Introduction to aquaponics system in the bucket as an effort to meet household food needs in the Covid-19 pandemic era of the Dompyong Village community, Trenggalek Regency

  • Nina Lisanty Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Kadiri
  • Tutut Dwi Sutiknjo Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Kadiri
  • Asikin Bahar Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Kadiri
Keywords: aquaponics, community, fishery, food security, household


The government Program Pemanfaatan Lahan (P2L) aims to appeal communities to utilize yards intensively with local resources ensuring household food security. The problem occurring in Dompyong Village, Trenggalek Regency is the lack of community activity in utilizing their yards due to the lack of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, as a highland area, the Dompyong Village community also experiences a problem with the availability of water sources. Therefore, this community service activity was held to introduce and provide training and assistance to the community in fishery and agricultural sectors, namely the aquaponics system in the buckets. This simple aquaponics system required minimal resources and costs but produces fishery as well as agriculture products for household consumption. This aquaponics system in the bucket was expected to support the household food security program in Dompyong Village, increase community participation in the fishery sector, and increase the fulfilment of household nutrition needs.


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How to Cite
Lisanty, N., Sutiknjo, T. D., & Bahar, A. (2022). Introduction to aquaponics system in the bucket as an effort to meet household food needs in the Covid-19 pandemic era of the Dompyong Village community, Trenggalek Regency. Riau Journal of Empowerment, 5(2), 117-125.