Perioperative management of Covid-19 positive surgical patients – a modern and Ayurvedic aspect.
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- Covid 19, Epidemic surgery, Perioperative management, Janopdodhwansa, Ayurveda.

How to Cite

Dr. Prajakta Onkar Undare. (2020). Perioperative management of Covid-19 positive surgical patients – a modern and Ayurvedic aspect. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(06). Retrieved from


Epidemics or outbreak is a sudden spread of the disease within a short time to a large number of people in a given population. The World Health Organization (WHO) named this pathogenic virus for 2019-nCoV. Surgical patients are particularly at risk of infection and negative outcome. To guarantee adequate care to these patients, while minimizing the risk for infection, the early postponing of elective surgery, the creation of COVID-free facilities and the identification of COVID- dedicated operating theaters and teams should be proposed. Meanwhile, because the operating room is a busy environment, it further increases the risk of nosocomial infections of the perioperative team. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine, clearly mentioned about such diseases causing epidemic under a broad term 'Janapadodhwamsa’. To assess the concepts of epidemiology in Ayurveda and to compare the same with recent COVID-19 pandemic. When COVID-19 pandemic compares with Janapadodhwamsa, it shows similarity in concepts like aetiology, modes of transmission, principles of prevention of outbreaks etc. Also, control measures of COVID-19 can be compared with Hetu-viparit and Vyadhi-viparitchikitsa. The concepts described in Ayurveda regarding Janapadodhwamsa are more or like the present modern concept of the pandemic/epidemic. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has raised several issues regarding the management of surgical patients. The aim of the current study was to clarify the management of surgical patients during the pandemic. Therefore, development of safe medical practices and infection prevention protocols for the perioperative management of patients with COVID-19 is important.

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