Journal for Christian reflections in the context of social sciences and humanities

Caritas et veritas 2021, 11(1):77-86 | DOI: 10.32725/cetv.2021.006

The Corona-virus Pandemic in the Context of Reading and Interpreting the Signs of the Times

Jana Maryšková
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Teologická fakulta, Katedra sociální a charitativní práce, Kněžská 8, 370 01 České Budějovice.

The article discusses the current corona-virus pandemic as a possible ‘sign of the times’ in the sense of the Church’s role in ‘examining the signs of the time and interpreting them in the light of the gospel’. It also asks how the corona-virus pandemic can be interpreted in this context. First, it presents general criteria for reading the signs of the times. Then it gives four selected interpretations of the corona-virus pandemic which are then theologically reflected upon using the above criteria. Based on this reflection, it shows that not every interpretation of a pandemic can be considered a reading of the signs of the times. It thus points to the need to distinguish signs and the importance of the requirement ‘to judge the Christian meaning of events with the help of the Holy Spirit and in the light of God’s word’.

Keywords: corona-virus pandemic, signs of the times, theology of retribution, globalisation, solidarity

Published: October 1, 2021  Show citation

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Maryšková, J. (2021). The Corona-virus Pandemic in the Context of Reading and Interpreting the Signs of the Times. Caritas et veritas11(1), 77-86. doi: 10.32725/cetv.2021.006
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