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capa do ebook Changes in the vigil-sueño rhythm and depression. Factors to bear in mind regarding the relationship with the pandemic and the confinement

Changes in the vigil-sueño rhythm and depression. Factors to bear in mind regarding the relationship with the pandemic and the confinement

Studies on the sueño process have found the influence and consequences of the change in the vigil-sueño cycle on certain neuropsychiatric and psychological pathologies such as depression or anxiety. During the health crisis (COVID-19) measures were established to minimize contagions, including preventive confinement. This type of measures affected social relationships and physical exercise practice, two of the factors that can influence early maintenance of depression/anxiety problems.

With the objective of giving a greater understanding of the possible relationship between the upheavals of the country and the depression surrounding the pandemic situation and the home confinement, a continuation of a theoretical review is presented. It is hoped that it will contribute to the dissemination of information on one of the consequences of this crisis, hoping that such a review can improve current preventive strategies on two of the problems associated with COVID-19. 


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Changes in the vigil-sueño rhythm and depression. Factors to bear in mind regarding the relationship with the pandemic and the confinement

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159212210017

  • Palavras-chave: Confinement, COVID-19, wakefulness-sueño cycle, circadian rhythms, sueño disorders, depression.

  • Keywords: Confinement, COVID-19, wakefulness-sueño cycle, circadian rhythms, sueño disorders, depression.

  • Abstract:

    Studies on the sueño process have found the influence and consequences of the change in the vigil-sueño cycle on certain neuropsychiatric and psychological pathologies such as depression or anxiety. During the health crisis (COVID-19) measures were established to minimize contagions, including preventive confinement. This type of measures affected social relationships and physical exercise practice, two of the factors that can influence early maintenance of depression/anxiety problems.

    With the objective of giving a greater understanding of the possible relationship between the upheavals of the country and the depression surrounding the pandemic situation and the home confinement, a continuation of a theoretical review is presented. It is hoped that it will contribute to the dissemination of information on one of the consequences of this crisis, hoping that such a review can improve current preventive strategies on two of the problems associated with COVID-19. 


  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Patricia González Elices
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