Overtourism in Lokawisata Baturraden, Banyumas After the Covid-19 Pandemic


Many nations with advantages in the tourist industry have encountered the overtourism issue since the COVID-19 epidemic. The term “revenge tourism” or “revenge traveling” refers to a secret desire to travel or a desire to travel that has been hindered for the previous two years by limitations on community social movements due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Overtourism is a problem that travel destinations face, and it may have a detrimental effect on sustainability and environmental concerns. This problem also affects Banyumas Regency, which counts tourism as one of its primary industries. This study aims to evaluate the local government’s efforts to curb overtourism in the Banyumas region. In order to combat the problem of over-tourism caused by retaliation tourism and overpromising, the Banyumas district administration has adopted several initiatives. The Banyumas district government’s strategy for coping with the overtourism situation is described analytically using public policy analysis and the ideas of sustainable and responsible tourism. This article’s technique is descriptive-analytic, drawing on secondary data from sources including academic journals, sessions, reference books, the internet, and other supplementary resources. This study offers a fresh perspective on overtourism in the Banyumas area, showing that once COVID-19’s development slowed, people’s desire to visit tourist spots generally increased, leading to an excessive mass accumulation at each destination. Due to the buildup of too many visitors, Banyumas, a location that caters mainly to nature tourism, is in danger of suffering environmental harm as well as other problems that come along with it.

Keywords: overtourism, environmental damage, public policy, sustainable tourism

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