Distance education psychosocial learning environment and graduate students' academic satisfaction during the pandemic



  • Danny Junior Soria Obregón Universidad César Vallejo, Peru
  • Yolvi Javier Ocaña-Fernandez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
  • Carlos Luy-Montejo Universidad Privada del Norte, Peru
  • Ricardo Cuenca Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru


psychosocial learning environment, distance education, academic satisfaction, social climate


The closure of universities in the year  caused by the pandemic that originated the COVID- determined the Peruvian government to impose distance The closure of the universities in the year caused by the pandemic that originated the COVID determined the Peruvian government to impose distance education. This required the enactment of regulations to ensure continuity of services and access to quality education adaptable to the distance learning modality. However, the psychosocial learning environment of this study modality has a social structure that differs from that of a face-to-face class, which could have a considerable impact on learning outcomes and therefore on students' academic satisfaction. For this reason, the objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the psychosocial learning environment of distance education and the academic satisfaction of graduate students during the pandemic. The methodology used was a quantitative approach with correlational design. The sample consisted of  The sample consisted of graduate students of a public university, who were administered two questionnaires; the first to measure their perception of the psychosocial factors affecting their psychosocial learning environment of distance education during the pandemic, using the Sp-DELES scale; and the second to measure academic satisfaction using the SA scale.


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How to Cite

Obregón, D. J. S., Ocaña-Fernandez, Y. J., Luy-Montejo, C., & Cuenca, R. (2022). Distance education psychosocial learning environment and graduate students’ academic satisfaction during the pandemic. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 11768–11778. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS2.8166



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