Creative Work During A COVID-19 Lockdown

Creative Work During A COVID-19 Lockdown

Taylor Clark, James Vivian, Tiffany Field, Debra Bendell, Maria Hernandez-Reif

Fielding Graduate University, University of Miami and University of Alabama

In Csikszentmihalyi’s 1990 theory of “flow”, individuals can become immersed in creative activities as well as other positive activities including exercise and meditation. Research has suggested that individuals engaged in “flow” could persevere regardless of feeling boredom or fatigue. However, the flow state is more difficult to achieve in the face of stress. In the current study, an archival database on a COVID-19 lockdown was analyzed for the relations between flow-like activities (creative work, meditation, and inside exercise) and psychological well-being (boredom, fatigue, anxiety, and depression). Hierarchical regressions suggested that creative work was positively associated with meditating, indicating that participants who reported more frequent creative work also reported meditating more often. Further, creative work, inside exercise, and meditation were associated with feeling boredom and fatigue. And, inside exercise was associated with decreased anxiety and depression symptoms. These findings should inform interventions to improve psychological well-being during lockdowns like COVID-19.

Keywords: Creative Work; COVID-19 Lockdown

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How to cite this article:

Taylor Clark, James Vivian, Tiffany Field, Debra Bendell, Maria Hernandez-Reif.Creative Work During A COVID-19 Lockdown. International Journal of Psychological Research and Reviews, 2022, 5:61. DOI: 10.28933/ijprr-2022-05-0505


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