Analysis Strategy of Visual Brand Adaptation During the COVID-19 Pandemic


This study aimed to determine how companies successfully created visual brands during the COVID-19 pandemic that are easy to remember, contextually-relevant, and educated the public about the current pandemic. The phenomenology research method was used, which is a method to deeply observe actual and factual phenomena occurring at a specific time. This method runs with several steps to find out the essence of the phenomenon that occurs. The results of this study explain consumer behaviour, visual strategies that can be taken by companies in dealing with pandemic situations, and how companies and brands communicate in the new-normal era. It will be a valuable input, especially for visual communication design science, because the collected data can be used to determine strategies and visual communication techniques during a pandemic. Data related to the stage of consumer shifting during a pandemic can also be used to determine the direction of branding and brand communication with the community.

Keywords: visual brand, visual adaptation, COVID-19 pandemic

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