Revealing Chemical Misconceptions Through The Microteaching Process in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic

Sri Winarni, Syahrial Syahrial


Unlimited access to information during the Covid-19 pandemic allows students with limited basic knowledge to experience misconceptions. Misconception happens because there are no adequate filters for many students, and there is no guarantee of content validity by information providers. This research aim is to show the misconceptions experienced by pre-service chemistry teachers. This research is a qualitative design with the case study method. This research used a naturalistic paradigm framework. The study was conducted for one semester of the 2020/2021 academic year for 16 meeting courses. The research participants consisted of pre-service chemistry teachers who were taking microteaching courses. Researchers are the main instrument. Data were collected through observation, focus group discussions (FGD), and document media analysis. The results showed six chemical misconceptions. Five misconceptions are non-proposition statements, and one is a chemical representation. Two of the six misconceptions found are resistant. Misconceptions that originate from written media and structured writing are difficult to overcome. Based on the study results, misconceptions about prerequisite concepts need to be eliminated before learning a new concept. Pre-service chemistry teachers need to use learning resources from the author's work according to their field of expertise.  They have gone through the review and validation stages to avoid misconceptions.


covid-19 pandemic; misconception; chemistry

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