
Keywords: eLearning, Libya, Aljafara University, COVID-19 pandemic

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Many institutions have been shut down and many economic, social, and educational activities have been disrupted by the spread of the coronavirus. Some universities and other educational institutions have opted for eLearning instead of traditional education techniques in order to keep the educational process moving. For the sake of students and teachers, several educational organizations have made their ePlatforms and libraries available for free. However, eLearning approaches have their own set of challenges and constraints that must be overcome to minimize their negative impacts. The purpose of this study is to identify the most significant problems that university instructors face when using eLearning. Teachers' views on eLearning in Libya are examined in this study, as well as their level of satisfaction and willingness to use the platforms. Many university professors were surveyed by e-mail to assess the most pressing issues they faced during the university's closure due to the development of the Corona epidemic. Instructors from two groups of academic workers who make up the sample: computer science department and mathematics department of Aljafara University are included in the study. SPSS software was used to conduct statistical analysis of the data. With a materiality of 71.8% and a mean of 3.62, the data reveal that the challenge of the instructors had the biggest impact. Third place went to all issues relating to students, and social issues came in second place. Materiality of 61% and a mean of 3.07 for accessibility were the next two factors that had the least impact on the eLearning process.



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How to Cite
Dihoum, B. E., & Al-Qiblawi, S. S. (2021). Exploring The Critical Factors Influencing the Using eLearning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in Aljafara University Libya. International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Research, 9(12), 2521-2525.