The Meaning of Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK EMKM) During The Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Dian Surya Ayu Fatmawati BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY



Covid-19, MSMEs, Qualitative Research, SAK EMKM


This study aims to explore the meaning of Financial Accounting Standard for MSMEs perspective of MSMEs actors at Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted on MSMEs in Batu City using 4 selected MSMEs as object and informant which representing the exhibition in Dubai 2020. Data collection method by interviewing those informants and analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. The results shows that SAK EMKM is various interpretations by MSMEs actors which some usefull and not. MSMEs actors interpret that SAK EMKM as the Helper God, as antique, as increase the workload. One of the MSMEs actors considers SAK MSME to be a God of Help during the economic crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic because increasing demand and SAK EMKM helpful for provide financial statements with SAK EMKM as qualify banks require for additional loan for business capital. The  other, think that SAK EMKM as Antiques in huge loss business condition. The last, SAK EMKM is considered to increase the workload. MSME actors only think about producing and marketing their products, so financial reporting just takes more time and workload. The difference perspective was caused by level of their educational background


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