Issue 3-20, 2021
Review article
The Importance of Physical Activity in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases
1 Vladimir E. Vladimirsky, 1
Evgeniy V. Vladimirsky, 1 Anna N. Lunina, 2
Anatoliy D. Fesyun, 2
Andrey P. Rachin, 2
Olga D. Lebedeva, 2
Maxim Yu. Yakovlev
1 Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner, Perm, Russian Federation
2 National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation
The review analyzes the data of scientific publications on the effects of molecular mechanisms initiated by physical exertion on thefunction of the cardiovascular system and the course of cardiac diseases. As practice and a number of evidence-based studies haveshown, the beneficial effects of physical activity on the outcomes of diseases in a number of cardiac nosologies are comparable todrug treatment. Numerous mechanisms mediate the benefits of regular exercise for optimal cardiovascular function. Exercises causewidespread changes in numerous cells, tissues, and organs in response to increased metabolic demand, including adaptation of thecardiovascular system. Physical exercises, which include various types of aerobic exercises of varying intensity and duration, is animportant component of the therapeutic treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Knowledge of the molecular basis ofthe physical activity impact on the cardiovascular system makes it possible to use biochemical markers to assess the effectiveness ofrehabilitation programs.
KEYWORDS: cardiac rehabilitation, cardiovascular diseases, physical activity, molecular mechanisms
FUNDING: The study had no sponsorship
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article
FOR CITATION: Vladimirsky V.E., Vladimirsky E.V., Lunina A.N., Fesyun A.D., Rachin A.P., Lebedeva O.D., Yakovlev M.Yu. The Importance of Physical Activity in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2021; 20 (3):16-25.
Lebedeva O.D., e-mail:
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©2025 Vladimir E. Vladimirsky, Evgeniy V. Vladimirsky, Anatoliy D. Fesyun, Andrey P. Rachin, Olga D. Lebedeva, Maxim Yu. Yakovlev
This is an open article under the CC BY 4.0 license. Published by the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology.