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capa do ebook The humanization of brands as a value-object in the times of COVID-19 pandemic

The humanization of brands as a value-object in the times of COVID-19 pandemic

This article proposes to draw a parallel between the marketing targets of companies, as maintained at the height of the 60s and 70s - when the value-object was the maximum profitability in business -, and the dictates of contemporaneity, when the concern with humanitarian and social responsibility issues have become the new value-object for advertisers from any segment, especially in pandemic times. Using theoretical assumptions known by Zygmunt Bauman about the ephemerality of human behavior in Post-Modernity, the work converges to the analysis of two chosen topics: the first questions whether organizations are in fact adapting to a real change in values aimed at commitment with social causes, or if they remain just camouflaged in their standard conduct, which prioritizes profit; the second refers to the role of the so-called 'new consumer', which today exerts a strong influence on the regulation of the market.


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The humanization of brands as a value-object in the times of COVID-19 pandemic

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582103122

  • Palavras-chave: Value-object; Profit; Social responsability; Humanization; Brands.

  • Keywords: Value-object; Profit; Social responsability; Humanization; Brands.

  • Abstract:

    This article proposes to draw a parallel between the marketing targets of companies, as maintained at the height of the 60s and 70s - when the object-value was the maximum profitability in business -, and the dictates of contemporaneity, when the concern with humanitarian and social responsibility issues have become the new value-object for advertisers from any segment, especially in pandemic times. Using theoretical assumptions known by Zygmunt Bauman about the ephemerality of human behavior in Post-Modernity, the work converges to the analysis of two chosen topics: the first questions whether organizations are in fact adapting to a real change in values ​​aimed at commitment with social causes, or if they remain just camouflaged in their standard conduct, which prioritizes profit; the second refers to the role of the so-called 'new consumer', which today exerts a strong influence on the regulation of the market.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Marina A. E. Negri
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