Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Aqueen Joju, C V Anthrayose*, Rakendu Puthiyedath, Niya Babu, Ann Reshma Rajan

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Eyestrain and associated problems among undergraduate medical students undergoing e-learning/teaching methods during Covid-19 pandemic

Original Article

Author Details : Aqueen Joju, C V Anthrayose*, Rakendu Puthiyedath, Niya Babu, Ann Reshma Rajan

Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021

Article Page : 308-313

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Background: Increase in usage of digital devices and mandatory e-learning imposed during the Covid 19 pandemic curfew may have given rise to an emerging public health threat of digital eyestrain among undergraduate medical students in the state. The study aimed to assess the distribution of digital eyestrain among undergraduate medical students and to determine the association between digital eyestrain and screen time spent on different digital devices for e-learning and social media use.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional, questionnaire based online study was done on undergraduate medical students of a teaching hospital in Central Kerala during the month of October, 2020. Survey form included CVS-Q questionnaire, OSDI questionnaire and questions regarding screen time spent on different digital devices for e-learning and social media use.
Result: Around three -fourth of the 113 participants experienced at least one symptom of digital eyestrain. Headache (76.1%) was the most common symptom followed by neck/shoulder/back pain (67.3%), tearing(49.6%), itching(48.7%), eye pain (41.6%) and increased sensitivity to light (38.1%).OSDI score revealed that 67.7% of the students had dry eye disease. Screen time of more than 6 hours spent on mobile/tablet was significantly associated with feeling of foreign body sensation, excessive blinking and itching. Lens /spectacle use was significantly associated with a feeling that eyesight is worsening and difficulty focusing for near vision. No association was seen between screen time spent for e- learning and digital eyestrain.
Conclusion: Steps towards awareness and prevention of digital eyestrain should be taken to promote ocular health and to avoid this occupational hazard.

Keywords: Computer vision syndrome, Covid 19, Digital eye strain, Digital screen, E-learning, Medical students, Ocular surface disease index, Questionnaire.

How to cite : Joju A, Anthrayose C V, Puthiyedath R, Babu N, Rajan A R, Eyestrain and associated problems among undergraduate medical students undergoing e-learning/teaching methods during Covid-19 pandemic. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(2):308-313

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