“Vaccine? No, thank you!” Social Media, Right-Wing Political Orientation and COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: The Case of Pieria, Greece

Published: Nov 27, 2023
Anti-vaccine COVID-19 Elections Greece Katerini Pieria Public Health Right-wing politics social media vaccine hesitancy
Georgios Tsertekidis

This case study examines the situation of the regional unit Pieria (Greece) as a compelling instance of a regional unit with low vaccination coverage and a right-wing political orientation, depth, and historicity. Apart from the utilization of relevant literature, qualitative research was also conducted for the needs of this case study. A sample of 16 Greek citizens from Pieria, all of whom are voters of one of the three minor Greek right-wing parliamentary parties and have been vaccine hesitant and vocal on social media, is examined as an attempt to enhance our understanding on the role of social media and right-wing attitude regarding vaccine hesitancy within the context of this specific case.

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  • Research Articles
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