Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors focus on the increased interest of students and society as a whole in healthy lifestyle, which is associated with public concern about the health of future specialists, both during their studies in higher school and in the course of their future professional activities, since the increase in morbidity in the course of professional training will be a factor in reducing the performance of young specialists. The article examines how the change in the way of life of students in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of a self-isolation regime affected students ' compliance with the principles and norms of healthy lifestyle, how they were able to adapt to the conditions of uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors collected and analyzed information about the lifestyle of 85 university students, using expert assessment methods and sociological methods. The results of the analysis allowed us to draw a conclusion about the destructive nature of the lifestyle of our students, non-compliance with a significant part of the requirements of healthy lifestyle and the need to change approaches in promoting healthy lifestyle, using innovative methods and modern technologies.

healthy lifestyle, students, COVID-19 pandemic, healthy lifestyle values, healthy lifestyle requirements

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