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Aurelia Suprestia Djuanto
Jessica Aditya
Kevin Laurentius
Roswiyani Roswiyani


Survivors of COVID-19 are vulnerable to trauma as a result of experiencing social isolation during treatment, with fear and loneliness that can have long-term impacts on mental health. In this review, some related literature will be identified and evaluated, using a qualitative-based literature review to research yoga as an alternative treatment to reduce PTSD symptoms, alleviate, or even cure PTSD in COVID-19 survivors. Articles screening from several journals was carried out by tracing PubMed’s journal publication database throughout the last five years and also categorizing two keywords as a reference for reviewing articles. The result of this literature review confirms that COVID-19 has a psychological effect on survivors, especially concerning PTSD when viewed from the largest indication. In addition, based on the results of ongoing research, yoga has shown a significant and promising impact in reducing PTSD symptoms. From this, it can be concluded that although there has been no research that directly examines the causality of the related review, yoga can be an alternative treatment to minimize symptoms and relieve PTSD in COVID-19 survivors. Based on the results of the review, there are many aspects that need to be investigated further, such as the influence of frequency and duration of yoga. More literature review and further research are essential for this topic, especially testing yoga programs as an intervention for COVID-19 survivors to determine its effectiveness and whether it can be implemented as a whole in the society, especially those who are COVID-19 survivors. 

Penyintas COVID-19 tergolong rawan terhadap trauma akibat mengalami isolasi sosial selama perawatan, dengan rasa takut dan kesepian yang dapat memberikan dampak berjangka panjang pada kesehatan mental. Dalam tinjauan kali ini akan dilakukan identifikasi, serta pengevaluasian beberapa literatur terkait, menggunakan tinjauan literatur berbasis kualitatif untuk meneliti yoga sebagai terapi alternatif dalam menurunkan gejala PTSD, meringankan, atau bahkan menyembuhkan PTSD pada penyintas COVID-19. Penyaringan artikel dari beberapa jurnal dilakukan dengan menelusuri database publikasi jurnal PubMed dari lima tahun terakhir dan juga dilakukan kategorisasi dua kata kunci sebagai acuan peninjauan artikel. Hasil tinjauan pada literatur ini menegaskan bahwa COVID-19 memiliki dampak psikologis pada penyintas, terutama PTSD apabila dilihat dari indikasi terbesar. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah berlangsung, yoga menunjukkan dampak yang signifikan dan menjanjikan dalam mengurangi gejala PTSD. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa walaupun belum ada penelitian yang secara langsung meneliti kausalitas dari peninjauan terkait, yoga dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif terapi untuk meminimalisir gejala dan meringankan PTSD pada penyintas COVID-19. Berdasarkan hasil peninjauan, banyak aspek yang perlu diteliti lebih lanjut seperti pengaruh dari frekuensi dan durasi yoga. Dibutuhkan lebih banyak peninjauan literatur dan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai topik ini, terutama pengujian program yoga sebagai intervensi pada penyintas COVID-19, untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifannya dan apakah dapat diimplementasikan secara utuh pada masyarakat, terutama yang merupakan penyintas COVID-19.

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Author Biographies

Aurelia Suprestia Djuanto, Universitas Tarumanagara

Aurelia is an undergraduate student, grew up in Indonesia, and currently pursuing her bachelor's degree, majoring in Psychology at Tarumanagara University. In her first year, she earned the finalist award from scientific essay competition by CIMSA. She is currently the head of Mnemonic, an academic university extracurricular activity organization and also an active musician. After graduation, Aurelia plans to continue pursuing her degree in clinical psychology.

Jessica Aditya, Universitas Tarumanagara

Jessica Aditya '19 comes from Jakarta, Indonesia and her former studies took place in the same country. Now, she is a second-year undergraduate in Tarumanagara University pursuing psychology as her major. Besides focusing on her studies, Jessica participates as a member of university cup committee and in research competitions. She is now serving as deputy head of Psychodynamic, which is an extracurricular activity that focuses on dancing. However, she is also active in a dance club outside the university. After graduation, she plans to work in the psychology department and take masters degree to elevate her knowledge to the next level.

Kevin Laurentius, Universitas Tarumanagara

Grew up as a psychology major student at Universitas Tarumanagara, Kevin Laurentius ’23 participated in various competitions related to psychology, such as national essay competitions, national debate competitions, national academic poster competitions, national research competitions, and national movie competitions. Fortunately, he earned awards as a finalists and winner in several national essay, poster, and movie competition. He also participated in many organizations, both internal and external campus. He is currently a member of student representative council faculty of psychology Universitas Tarumanagara, a former chairman of MNEMONIC (academic extracurricular activities), and has worked as a psychologist assistant since freshmen. Kevin plans to take a master in educational psychology, while doing research along the way.


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