

COVID-19 New Normal Era, Pastoral Leadership in Need of Changes and Responses of Korean Churches

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The New Normal Era refers to a new standard era in which things that were considered abnormal become normal. The transition to a new normal society is macroscopically reorganizing the world order and changing the landscape of the citizens' life world. This phenomenon seems to continue to occur in the church and in the life of faith. The church is experiencing changes in worship such as online worship or Drive-In Worship is taking place due to the suspension of on-site worship services on Sunday, which is the first in a Korean church. Although on-site worship is being resumed, the church is changing into a digital pastoral platform by establishing an online worship system in parallel with offline worship and opening a YouTube channel. These changes will become the inevitable pastoral capabilities that the church must have after Corona. What is the pastor's response to the corona crisis? This study aims to study the method with a focus on the future church theory, and to reconsider the characteristics of worship, sermon, and evangelism suggested by emerging churches, and to suggest methods for pastoral leadership in Korean churches to cope with. The way to deal with the corona crisis may differ slightly depending on the ministry site and target, but there will be alternative methods for everyone. However, the most important solution will be change. Therefore, this study intends to examine the changes and responses of the Korean church in the Corona New Normal Era. For the study, first, the need for change in the post-corona church is discussed, second, the characteristics of the future church are presented through prior research, and third, the challenges faced by the leadership of the Korean church are considered. Next, the study presents the factors that should change the leadership of the church, and finally, the study intends to suggest the changing factors of the leadership of the pastor.


I. Introduction
II. Post-Corona Era, the Necessity of Church Change
III. Characteristics of the Future Church
1. EPIC Future Church
2. Worship of Future Church
3. Sermon of the Future Church
4. Evangelism of the Future Church
IV. Corona New Normal Era, Changes of the Church
V. Corona New Normal Era, Pastoral Leadership
VI. Conclusion


  • Hwang, Byung-June [ Hoseo University ]


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

간행물 정보


  • 발행기관명
    한국실천신학회 [The Korean Society for Practical Theology]
  • 설립연도
  • 분야
  • 소개
    본회는 전국 각 신학대학 및 각 신학교 실천신학 교수 및 실천신학을 전공한 목회자들이 함께 모여 순수한 학문적인 연구와 인격적인 친교를 도모하며, 실천신학의 학술정보를 교류함과 동시에 교회와 지역사회 및 국내외 신학교육 발전에 이바지함을 목적으로 한다.


  • 간행물명
    신학과 실천 [Theology and Praxis]
  • 간기
  • pISSN
  • 수록기간
  • 등재여부
    KCI 등재
  • 십진분류
    KDC 230 DDC 230

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