Keep Working Amid COVID-19: Innovation in the Design of Art by Junior High School Students


This study is a recording of students’ work during the COVID-19 pandemic in the National Art Competition Festival event for Junior High School Students (FLS2N) held by the Ministry of Education and Culture’s National Achievement Center (Puspresnas). Students representing 34 provinces in Indonesia attended this prestigious event. The research was limited to the local dance art, local music art, and design fields, from which three winners were taken respectively. Interviews were conducted with judges, committees, and officials of Puspresnas about the innovation of the work. Observational data documenting the process of the art design were required for validity purposes. Data were analzed using Cougar, Huggins & Mcintyre’s innovation theory, which states that art can be designed through invention, duplication, development, and synthesis. The results were beyond expectations: during the COVID-19 pandemic, local students created beautiful and harmonious dance art, music art, and poster designs that can be enjoyed virtually by people through social media.


Keywords: innovation, exploration, art-design, virtual media

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