COVID-19 Influence and Future Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence on the Labour Market


  • Victor Alexandru Briciu Transilvania University of Brașov Faculty of Sociology and Communication Department of Social Sciences and Communication
  • Arabela Briciu Transilvania University of Brașov Faculty of Sociology and Communication Department of Social Sciences and Communication



labour market, future jobs, Covid-19 Influence, Artificial Intelligence, skills, Singularity Hypothesis


The objective of this short communication is suggested by the labour market that has become very unpredictable and it is difficult to say what it will look like in five, 10 years or even more. New jobs appear, while others disappear. And all this is happening against a background in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an increasingly important role and it would be very difficult for us to imagine our lives without it, especially since robots save lives today. Technology has become a necessity, many jobs have changed due to robotics, and we must evolve and adapt with it, even though the new rules that came with the onset of restrictions and mutations in the labour market due to the new coronavirus pandemic that spread worldwide. The main idea reflects the possibilities reflected by the Singularity Hypothesis, as new intelligent technologies may alter our human lives and eliminate some jobs, change others and create completely new job categories, but as long as we know the opportunities are there for us, we need to be proactive by providing the skills for the future.

Author Biographies

Victor Alexandru Briciu, Transilvania University of Brașov Faculty of Sociology and Communication Department of Social Sciences and Communication

Victor-Alexandru Briciu is a Lecturer at the Department of Social Studies and Communication, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania. He has a PhD in Communication and his research and teaching interests are oriented towards communication, public relations campaigns and strategies, branding, online branding strategies.

Arabela Briciu, Transilvania University of Brașov Faculty of Sociology and Communication Department of Social Sciences and Communication

Arabela Briciu is a Lecturer at the Department of Social Studies and Communication, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania. She has a PhD in Communication and her research and teaching interests are oriented towards political communication, electoral debates, public sphere and political image, brand management and corporative identity.


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How to Cite

Briciu, V. A., & Briciu, A. (2020). COVID-19 Influence and Future Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence on the Labour Market. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(2Sup1), 21-28.

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