Changes in the Behavior of Elementary School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic


School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have brought significant disruptions in the world of education forcing students to adapt to existing conditions. As a result, a shift has been felt in student behavior – from being diligent to procrastinating and lazy, a decrease in learning interest, and a lack of motivation to learn. Only a few select have wisely utilized the opportunity to be creative and innovative in learning. The purpose of this study was to describe in detail the changes seen in elementary school students (6–12 years) during the pandemic. This research article used a systematic literature review method using previous research articles published from 2020 to 2021. The articles were sourced from, Scopus, Sinta, and DOAJ. Results indicated both positive and negative effects of the pandemic on student behavior. It was found that the behavioral changes in the students’ psychology during the pandemic lowered their learning motivation, thereby affecting student learning outcomes. Therefore, teachers and parents need to use creative ways to foster learning interest in children as well as provide maximum assistance. Moreover, support is also provided by the government to facilitate these initiatives.

Keywords: elementary school student behavior change, during the pandemic

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