Disobeying Government Rules: A Descriptive Study of Intention to Apply Health Protocol During Covid-19


This study aims to determine the public’s intention to apply health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. data collection is done by distributing the scale online. The scale is based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour with a reliability coefficient of 0.061-0.662. The number of research subjects was 508 people with the result that 60% of the research subjects intended to apply the health protocol. The aspect with the highest correlation was perceived behavioural control (0.652), then subjective norms (0.579), and the lowest correlation was attitude (0.482). To change individual behaviour, education on disease and empowerment is needed so that people can evaluate their perceived behavioural control. Knowledge is important to influence rational decision making of choosing healthy behaviour

Keywords: intention, obey, theory of planned behaviour, covid-19

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