Volume 18, Special Issue on Current Trends in Management and Information Technology, 2021

Designing of a Parenting Education Web Program in Overcoming Students' Learning Difficulties at Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Herwina Bahar, Iswan and Venni Herli Sundi


This is the result of the research entitled Web Design of Parenting Education Programs in Overcoming Students' Learning Difficulties at Home during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted in FIP-UMJ Labs. Elementary School in South Tangerang, Indonesia. The research method was model development, with a qualitative descriptive approach, a prototype model. The number of respondents was 397 elementary school students. The purpose of the study was to determine the problems faced by parents, so far in an effort to help their children study at home. The results of this study were proven based on the results of the analysis of respondent data, where only 79% of parents understand the child's parenting education web program at home, while the implementation of child care programs at school where 82% have been implemented properly. The effectiveness to overcome their children's learning difficulties at home is 65%, while for parents who have good communication between teachers and parents, the figure is 64%. The highest percentage gain of 91% is parents who accompany their children to study at home, while as many as 42% of parents prepare special time, to accompany their children to study at home. Difficulties in assisting children to study at home yielded a percentage of 47% and regarding concentration on learning for children, to overcome this, a percentage 72% was obtained. The parents who studied their children's learning materials was as much as 66%. Regarding the parents who prepared study time for their children at home according to the schedule given by the school, the obstacles faced by them in accompanying learning at home, were due to the busyness of parents and was reflected by a percentage rate of 53%.

Pages: 551-569

DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18SI05/WEB18246

Keywords: Web Program, Improving Student Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic Period.

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