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Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 Patients

DISCOVERIES (ISSN 2359-7232), 2020, January-March issue


Zhu S, Guo X, Geary K, Zhang D. Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 Patients. Discoveries 2020, Jan-Mar; 8(1); e105. DOI:10.15190/d.2020.2

Submitted: February 20, 2020; Revised: March 10, 2020; Accepted: March 1, 2020; Published: March 12, 2020; 

 GO BACK to 2020, January-March issue


Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 Patients

Shudong Zhu (1,*), Xialing Guo (1), Kyla Geary (2), Dianzheng Zhang (2)

(1) Argus Pharmaceuticals, Changsha, China
(2) Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA USA

*Corresponding author: Shudong Zhu, PhD, Argus Pharmaceuticals, Changsha, China Address: 8 LuJing Ave., Changsha, China; Email: 1125537080@qq.com


Over 100,000 cases of COVID-19 patients infected with the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2 have been reported worldwide in approximately 2 months, resulting in over 3000 deaths. Potential therapeutic strategies, including remdesivir, chloroquine phosphate, abidol, lopinavir/ritonavir, plasma, antibody, vaccine and stem cells are discussed in this review. With the number of patients increasing daily, there is an urgent need for effective therapeutic intervention.

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14. Beijing's first new crown pneumonia monoclonal antibody treatment drug approved for clinical trials. Antibody Circle, February 14, 2020;
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16. Four projects have been approved for stem cell treatment of severe neocoronavirus pneumonia, and 1 has applied for emergency approval from the FDA. SD stem cells, February 10, 2020; http://www.qdstemcell.com/ index.php/news/info/679.html
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