The Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy of Selected Asian Countries


  • Melahat Batu Agirkaya Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, IGDIR UNIVERSITY, TURKEY.
  • Zafer Koca Turkish Ministry of National Education
  • Ahmet Ali Ugan Department of Public Relations and Advertising, IGDIR UNIVERSITY, TURKEY



Covid-19, economic impact of Covid-19, Asian economy, fiscal responses


This study aims to discuss the impacts of  Covid-19, which emerged in China in December 2019 and has affected the whole world in a short time, through some selected Asian countries. Covid-19 is not only an epidemic that has an impact on health but also an epidemic that has deeply shaken the country's economies and pushed them into crisis. Like all countries of the world, Asian countries have been affected by this outbreak. The countries that made up the sample of our study (South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam and Taiwan) responded very quickly to Covid-19 and were cited as examples all over the world due to their success at the beginning of the outbreak. In this study, it was discussed how these epidemiologically successful countries react economically. Comparative analysis method and descriptive analysis method were used in the study. The study discussed the effects of Covid-19 on GDP, unemployment, inflation and foreign trade


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Author Biography

Zafer Koca, Turkish Ministry of National Education



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2021-10-14 — Updated on 2021-10-18
