Potential Effects of Adjuvant Treatments on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Adjuvant Treatments and COVID-19

  • Tugolbai Tagaev Department of Pathology, International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 1F, Intergelpo Street, Bishkek, 720054, Kyrgyzstan. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3102-6524
  • Melis Sholpanbai Uulu Department of Infectious Diseases, I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, 92, Akhunbaev Street, Bishkek, 720020, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Aizhamal Esengeldi Kyzy Department of Clinical Disciplines No. 1, Osh State University, 331, Lenin Street, Osh, 723500, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Vityala Yethindra International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 1F, Intergelpo Street, Bishkek, 720054, Kyrgyzstan. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1007-2422
  • Elmira Mainazarova Department of Experimental Pathophysiology, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, 44, Kiev Street, Bishkek, 720000, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Sagynali Mamatov Department of Hospital Internal Medicine, Occupational Pathology with a Course of Hematology, I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, 92, Akhunbaev street, Bishkek, 720020, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Altynai Zhumabekova Clinical Maternity Hospital No. 2, 225 Moskva Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 720010.
  • Ashraf Syed Arslan International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 1F, Intergelpo Street, Bishkek, 720054, Kyrgyzstan
  • Gaurav Singh Rathore International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 1F, Intergelpo Street, Bishkek, 720054, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Murtaza Afzal Lone International Higher School of Medicine, International University of Kyrgyzstan, 1F, Intergelpo Street, Bishkek, 720054, Kyrgyzstan.
Keywords: Coronavirus Disease 2019, Adjuvant Treatment, Corticosteroids, Monoclonal Antibody, Human Normal Immunoglobulins


At present, there are no effective treatments for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the therapeutic interventions are limited to supportive care, varying from symptomatic management to critical care support. Corticoids are administered to reduce host inflammatory responses in the lungs. The potential harm and the lack of proven benefit of corticosteroids cautions against their routine administration in COVID-19 patients outside the Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs), with an exception of a concomitant indication, such as a refractory shock. The amplified immune response and Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) are known to cause significant organ damage (lungs), providing a rationale for the use of monoclonal Antibody (mAb). Hyperimmune Immunoglobulins (Igs) from the recovered patients may also assist with improving the immune response and virus clearance. Human Normal Immunoglobulins (HNIGs) can be administered in the early seven to ten days of infection, during peak viremia or in the absence of a primary immune response. Ultimately, a vaccine could provide a potential permanent strategy, creating protective immunity for people and preventing future outbreaks.

How to cite this article:
Tagaev T, Uulu MS, Kyzy AE, Yethindra V, Mainazarova E, Mamatov S et al. Potential Effects of Adjuvant Treatments on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). J Commun Dis 2020; 52(2): 74-77.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202022


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