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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Student’s Perceptions Towards Open and Distance Learning (ODL) During Covid-19 Pandemic

Nani Shuhada Binti Sehat, Siti Rohana Binti Daud, Jumaelya Binti Jogeran, Intan Liana Binti Suhaime

Open access

In March 2020, WHO had declared the world is facing a pandemic with little to know it would last 18 months later. Since then, higher institutions practiced remote learning and digitized teaching material to replace traditional methods. In return, this research was conducted to evaluate students’ perception towards open and distance learning based on the TAM model. 360 questionnaires were distributed with 100% return rate through google form. There are five elements that measure: students’ characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of Online Distance Learning (ODL), students’ perception of ODL, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Findings recorded those hypotheses were accepted and variables are positively related. In conclusion, synergy from both parties (educators and students) play an important role to ensure the success of online distance learning. The final goal of ODL is to make certain education flexible and reach out, thus it needs creativity, empathy, and effort from the stakeholders. With multiple benefits granted by the government plus with the positive perception from both parties, none should leave behind either in technology competency as well psychological wellbeing and the transfer of knowledge.

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In-Text Citation: (Sehat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sehat, N. S. B., Daud, S. R. B., Jogeran, J. B., & Suhaime, I. L. B. (2022). Student’s Perceptions Towards Open and Distance Learning (ODL) During Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 450–463.