Research on Countermeasures of Occupational Health Protection for Rehabilitation Therapists under the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Wenhao Gao



Occupational health protection, Rehabilitation therapy, COVID-19


In China, the level of occupational health protection of medical staff is relatively low, which is prone to occupational diseases and psychological problems. Focusing on the occupational health protection of rehabilitation therapists, the paper summarizes the current situation of six aspects included epidemic prevention control measures, therapy postures, therapy rooms’ environment, doctor-patient communication skills, mental health, and basic legal guarantee. Then give three aspects of countermeasures.


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How to Cite

Gao, W. . (2022). Research on Countermeasures of Occupational Health Protection for Rehabilitation Therapists under the COVID-19 Pandemic. BCP Social Sciences & Humanities, 18, 410-415.