The Impact of The Pandemic on Development Creative Industries and The Welfare Freelance Workers in The City of Sidoarjo


Creative Industries
the welfare of freelance workers And the Pandemic


How to Cite

Chikmawati, Z. ., Larassaty, A. L. ., & Putra, R. S. . (2021). The Impact of The Pandemic on Development Creative Industries and The Welfare Freelance Workers in The City of Sidoarjo. Procedia Business and Financial Technology, 1.


The emergence of Covid-19 is very influential in all sectors of the world, one of which is the economic aspects and the welfare of workers began to weaken and freelance workers were vacated so that it affected the development of the creative industry that occurred in Sidoarjo City went bankrupt. Therefore the purpose of this study (1) Determine what methods can improve the development of creative industries in the midst of a pandemic in order to increase the income for the City of Sidoarjo, (2). Knowing the forms of welfare implementation of casual daily laborers in Sidoarjo City, (3). Knowing the difference in the welfare improvement of freelance workers before the pandemic and after the pandemic in Sidoarjo City. This study uses a Mix Method with a sample of 10 creative industries and 146 casual workers in the city of  Sidoarjo. The first finding, this study explains that there are four methods it can be used, namely welfare, (2) competition, (3) growth and (4) innovation. Second, the welfare of casual daily workers 60% has not been implemented properly as seen from the fate of casual daily workers who do not have the strength and the means to fight for their fate when a pandemic is affected so that companies in the city of Sidoarjo that are engaged in the creative industry sector are allowed to continue to operate using protocols and SOPs that must be obeyed to reduce the unemployment rate in the city of Sidoarjo because the company is unable to provide wages when workers leave the Work Form Home. Third, a significant difference in which to improve the welfare of freelancers is realized by increasing the climate of high cooperation to be able to increase wages, working conditions, employment relationships, work safety and social security


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Copyright (c) 2021 Zulifah Chikmawati, Ayu Lucy Larassaty, Riyan Sisiawan Putra