The importance of nutrition in protecting the elderly from COVID-19

Memnune Sengul 1, * and Seda Ufuk 2

1 Ataturk University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Food Engineering, Erzurum/Turkey.
2 Ataturk University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Food Engineering, Erzurum/Turkey.
Review Article
Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 2021, 03(01), 064-071
Article DOI: 10.30574/msabp.2021.3.1.0027
Publication history: 
Received on 21 June 2021; revised on 23 August 2021; accepted on 25 August 2021
The coronavirus (COVID-19), which emerged in the province of Wuhan in China in December 2019, is a pandemic that threatens all humanity. In this pandemic, so far elderly people appear to be the most vulnerable group. Adequate and balanced nutrition is required for the immune system of the body to fight against any diseases. Covid-19 has a direct correlation with nutrition habits, especially in elderly people. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the risk of COVID-19 and nutrition in elderly individuals.
COVID-19; Elderly nutrition; Immune system; Malnutrition; Nutritional habits; SARS-CoV-2
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