Young Creative Entrepreneur Pathways: COVID-19 and the Creative Industry Sectors


The main purpose of this paper was to propose a strategic conceptual framework using the Theory of Planned Behavior in the context of entrepreneurship intention among young creative entrepreneurs. The dynamic environment of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the cultural resilience of art and design. The present study identified eight hypotheses for pathways of strategic direction for young creative entrepreneurs within and after the pandemic. The conceptual framework developed examines the influence of entrepreneurship education on attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Furthermore, this study also outlines guidance for young creative entrepreneurs based on attitudes toward entrepreneurship intention, entrepreneurship self-identity, subjective norms surrounding entrepreneurship intention, perceived behavioral control, and entrepreneurship commitment and enactment.

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, Theory of Planned Behavior, entrepreneurship self-identity, entrepreneurship plan enactment, entrepreneurship commitment

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