Distance Learning and Assessment of Mathematics During COVID-19


  • Melanie Tremblay Université du Québec à Rimouski, campus Lévis
  • Anne-Michèle Delobbe Université du Québec à Rimouski, campus Lévis




Distance Learning, Teaching-learning-evaluation dynamics, Mathematics, Technology


The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in a multitude of measures to counter its spread. These included the closure of schools and an unplanned shift to distance learning. This paper focuses on the teaching-learning-evaluation dynamics (May-June 2020) in mathematics with 311 primary and secondary teachers. Four main issues are identified: comfort in using technology, access to technological resources for students, development of in-depth understanding, and learning assessment. The mathematical activity conducted in a synchronous mode is further discussed, and the importance of knowledge transmission and of textbook-based problem solving is highlighted. Essential knowledge, effort, and participation are the main objects of teachers’ attention as they make their judgements in the evaluation process. The choice of these learning objects seems to have been influenced by the various ministerial decisions that preceded the return to compulsory schooling.

Author Biographies

Melanie Tremblay, Université du Québec à Rimouski, campus Lévis

Mélanie Tremblay is professor of Didactics and Orthopedagy of Mathematics at the Université du Québec à Rimouski (campus de Lévis). Her research interests focus on collaborative research in mathematics education and on the professional development of teachers. She is a member of Periscope research network and of OIPA (Observatoire international de la pensée algébrique).

Anne-Michèle Delobbe, Université du Québec à Rimouski, campus Lévis

Anne-Michèle Delobbe is a professor of Université du Québec à Rimouski (campus de Lévis) in measurement and evaluation. Her work focuses specifically on development and validation of measurement tools, student’s assessment and questions related to the evaluation of training. She is part of the Periscope research network and of the CERPICO (centre d’études et de recherches en psychologie industrielle et comportement organisationnel).


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