Covid-19: aktuelle Fachbeiträge

Schweiz Ärzteztg. 2020;101(1516):549

Chefredaktor SÄZ

Publiziert am 07.04.2020

Dem Thema Coronavirus/Covid-19 können wir in der Schweizerischen Ärztezeitung nicht tagesaktuell gerecht werden. Wir möchten Sie jedoch auf die Fachbeiträge in unserem Wissenschaftsjournal Swiss Medical Weekly (SMW) aufmerksam machen. Das SMW kann als reines Online-Journal rascher reagieren und hat bereits viele ­qualitativ hochwertige Artikel verschiedener Schweizer Expertinnen und Experten publiziert. Unten finden Sie eine Auswahl mit Stand vom 27. März 2020. Die vollständige und ständig aktualisierte Liste ist unter abrufbar.

Good rules for ICU admission allow a fair allocation of resources, even in a pandemic

Suter Peter M.
University of Geneva, Switzerland; Senior editor Swiss Medical Weekly and former president, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
A set of guidelines concerning ethical, medical and social aspects of triage decisions, as well as of other related problems of the Covid-19 pandemic: In all cases, decisions must be based on sound, transparent and understandable rules.

Covid-19 epidemic in Switzerland: 
on the importance of testing, contact tracing and isolation

Salathé Marcela, Althaus Christian L.b, Neher Richardc, Stringhini Silviad, Hodcroft Emmac, Fellay Jacquese, Zwahlen Marcelb, Senti Gabrielaf, Battegay Manuelg, Wilder-Smith Anne­liesh, Eckerle Isabellai, Egger Matthiasb, Low Nicolab
a EPFL, Switzerland; b University of Bern, Switzerland; c University of Basel, Switzerland; d HUG/UNIGE/UNIL, Switzerland; e CHUV/UNIL/EPFL, Switzerland; f University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland; g University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland; h London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; i HCUGE, Switzerland
A liberal approach to testing for SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland is needed as part of the package of control measures.

Recommendations for the admission of patients with Covid-19 to intensive care and intermediate care units ­(ICUs and IMCUs)

Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine
The Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SSIM) has elaborated detailed and coherent guidelines defining the criteria for admission to the ICU in situations of bed shortage.

Covid-19 pandemic: triage for intensive-care treatment under resource scarcity

Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences
If insufficient resources are available, rationing decisions will become necessary, placing considerable burdens on medical staff. This makes it all the more important that uniform criteria for ICU admission and continued occupancy should be applied through­out Switzerland.

Covid-19: decision making and ­palliative care

Borasio Gian Domenicoa, Gamondi Claudiab, Obrist Monikac, Jox Ralfd
a Palliative and Supportive Care Service, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne; b Palliative and Supportive Care Clinic, IOSI-EOC, Bellinzona; c President, palliative ch, Bern; d Chair of Geriatric Palliative Care, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne
Due to the current development around the Covid-19 pandemic, palliative ch has created a Task Force to provide recommendations for health professionals on the treatment of palliative care patients in the various settings – inpatient and outpatient.

Covid-19 pandemic: palliative care 
for elderly and frail patients at home and in residential and nursing homes

Kunz Rolanda, Minder Markusb
a Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Stadtspital Waid und Triemli, Zurich, Switzerland, FGPG Board member; b Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Spital Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland
The current pandemic and the publication of the SAMS Guide­lines “Covid-19 pandemic: triage for intensive-care treatment under resource scarcity” have prompted the Association for Geriatric Palliative Medicine to prepare these recommendations for practice.