The world knows the real heroes after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic!

  • M. Kashif Iqbal Consultant Anesthesiologist, The Indus Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
Keywords: Anesthesiologist, Perioperative physician, Pain managers, Intensivists, COVID-19, Pandemic


Over the previous few months, COVID-19 and the corona virus have become the key words in every medium of the world. Our TV screens show the ever-riding number of fresh cases and the latest mortality figures. The pandemic has affected every aspect of the human life, but it has had one positive effect; it dragged the specialty of anesthesiology and its practitioners into limelight as never before. This editorial highlights the diverse nature of the anesthesiologists’ role in confronting COVID-19 and management of the patients from emergency room (ER), to intensive care units (ICUs) to operating rooms (ORs).

Key words: Anesthesiologist; Perioperative physician; Pain managers; Intensivists; COVID-19; Pandemic

Citation: Iqbal MK. The world knows the real heroes after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic! Anaesth. pain intensive care 2020;24(5):484-486

Received: 2 September 2020, Reviewed: 4 September 2020, Accepted: 30 September 2020

How to Cite
Iqbal, M. K. (2020). The world knows the real heroes after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic!. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 24(5), 484-486.
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