Evaluation of online learning implementation as learning culture change in pandemic time

Parwita Setya Wardhani 1, *, Rika Yuliastanti 1, Annisa Silfia 2, M Fahrudin Ali Fikri 3, Agus Hendrawan 4, Novita Sari 3 and Erick Fajar Subhekti 3

1 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Stikes DARUL AZHAR Batulicin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.
3 Airlangga University Postgraduate, Indonesia.
4 Brawijaya University Postgraduate, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 680–685
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0487
Publication history: 
Received on 24 April 2022; revised on 31 May 2022; accepted on 02 June 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the learning culture from offline learning to online. Various online learning methods are carried out and adapted to conditions in the existing environment. From the implementation of this change in learning culture, it is necessary to evaluate its sustainability, especially the problems faced during the implementation of online learning. This research was conducted to see how the implementation of online learning in the Postgraduate Program at Lambung Mangkurat University. By apply a qualitative method in this study, we involve the competent informants being the Head of the Study Program, Lecturer and students in two study programs, namely the Biology Education and Basic Principles and Environmental Ethics (PSDAL). The main data is obtained from 6 informants and available secondary data. The results of the evaluation can be seen from the readiness of human resources, in this case lecturers and students are ready and have adapted well. E-Learning is re-integrated with the academic system so that data from the learning process in E-learning is reported directly to the campus academic system. Blended learning method one of the learning models that can be applied through the use of technology-based media used in the two study programs. This online learning has a positive impact on students with a higher level of independence, as well as for lecturers with a higher level of creativity in delivering material. Meanwhile, the obstacles to online learning are signal interference and quota fees (although the campus has provided a subsidy of IDR 200,000/month, which is still not enough). 
Blended Learning; Covid-19 Pandemic; Education; Online Learning
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