Peran Stres Kerja Terhadap Niat Berhenti Bekerja di Moderasi Oleh Tekanan Psikologis Akibat Covid-19

Dhea Rizky Ardini, Endang Parahyanti


Berdasarkan studi terbaru, tekanan psikologis akibat covid-19 memiliki pengaruh terhadap niat untuk berhenti bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran tekanan psikologis akibat covid-19 terhadap stress kerja dan niat berhenti bekerja pada ibu bekerja. Studi kuantitatif dilaksanakan di masa pandemi covid-19 dengan menyebarkan kuesioner daring dengan teknik accidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan telah melalui uji coba terlebih dahulu, yaitu Skala Niat Berhenti Bekerja (a= 0.82), Skala Stres Kerja (a= 0.79), dan Skala CORPD (a= 0.75). Hasil analisis statistik menggunakan Model 1 PROCESS Hayes menunjukkan efek interkasi antara stress kerja dan tekanan psikologis akibat covid-19 terhadap niat berhenti bekerja tidak signifikan b=0.11, t(203)= 0.75, p > 0.01, Cl95%[-0.18, 0.40]. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa variabel tekanan psikologis akibat covid-19 tidak menunjukkan efek moderasi yang signifikan, sehingga tidak memperkuat hubungan antara stress kerja dengan keinginan berhenti bekerja.

Based on a recent study, psychological stress due to COVID-19 has an influence on turnover intention. This study aims to look at the role of covid-19 psychological distress on work stress and turnover intention for working mothers. The quantitative study was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic by distributing online questionnaires using the accidental sampling technique. The measuring scale used have been tested beforehand on a pilot study, consist of Turnover Intention Scale (a= 0.82), Work Stress Scale (a= 0.79), and the CORPD Scale (a= 0.75). The results of the analysis using the Hayes PROCESS Model 1 shows that the interaction effect between work stress and covid-19 psychological distress on turnover intention was not significant (b=0.11, t(203)= 0.75, p > 0.01, Cl95%[-0.18, 0.40]). Thus, this can be concluded that the covid-19 psychological distress does not show a significant moderating effect, so it does not strengthen the relationship between work stress and the turnover intention.


Covid-19; Psychological Distress; Turnover Intention; Work Stress

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