Cognitive and Emotional Components of the Inner Picture of an Individual Experience in Terms of a Pandemic




COVID-19, emotional experiences, life satisfaction, anxiety, fear, behavioral strategy


The epidemic threat of COVID-19 has changed the socio-psychological situation in general and has become a serious test for both Ukrainian society and the whole of humanity. The purpose of this research was to study the psychological characteristics of emotional experiences and behavioral strategies in pandemic conditions. The study involved 85 people aged 22 to 60, residents of Ukraine. In the research, the participants of the study used Diener et al. Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWSL) (1985), adapted by D. Leontiev & Osin (2020), the method of SPANA (equivalent to the method of PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule), adapted by E. Osin, Attitude to a significant life situation, a method by E. Korzhova and A. Berdnikova. The study identified both negative and positive changes caused by the threat of a pandemic. Among the negative consequences, the respondents most often indicated anxiety and fears, among the positive ones – personal growth, strengthening family relationships, and others. The research also provides data on the life satisfaction level and outlines the behavioral strategies, which Ukrainians choose in a rapidly changing environment. Thus, the majority of Ukrainians, namely 27% of the sample, take a passive position on the prevailing conditions, feeling powerless and helpless.


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How to Cite

Rybinska, Y., Loshenko, O. ., Pohorilska, N., Antonivska, M., Sarnovska, N., & Shum, O. (2021). Cognitive and Emotional Components of the Inner Picture of an Individual Experience in Terms of a Pandemic. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(4), 80-93.

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