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The Project: ‘’Saúde Pública em Foco’’ (Public Health in Focus ) was an extension project that aimed to socialize the academic community of the Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Urutaí and the population of the city of Urutaí – GO, through radio and social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Podcasts. The project was based on scientific journalism for the production of programs and informative texts in simple language, seeking a better understanding of listeners and readers. We sought to provide visibility to the importance of the veterinarian for the integral health of the population, providing scientific knowledge accessible to the listener/reader and the exchange of knowledge, through a communicational pedagogy integrated with the didactic-pedagogical practice of the teaching and learning process and dissemination of information. Public health issues, epidemiology and non-pharmacological measures to face COVID-19 were addressed. This way, the interaction with readers and listeners allowed access to information, highlighting the importance of the veterinarian in public health to face COVID-19, reducing the vulnerability of the population due to lack of access to knowledge.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592582229091

  • Palavras-chave: New coronavirus; Health education; Pandemic.

  • Keywords: New coronavirus; Health education; Pandemic.

  • Abstract:

    The Project: ‘’Saúde Pública em Foco’’ (Public Health in Focus ) was an extension project that aimed to socialize the academic community of the Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Urutaí and the population of the city of Urutaí – GO, through radio and social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Podcasts. The project was based on scientific journalism for the production of programs and informative texts in simple language, seeking a better understanding of listeners and readers. We sought to provide visibility to the importance of the veterinarian for the integral health of the population, providing scientific knowledge accessible to the listener/reader and the exchange of knowledge, through a communicational pedagogy integrated with the didactic-pedagogical practice of the teaching and learning process and dissemination of information. Public health issues, epidemiology and non-pharmacological measures to face COVID-19 were addressed. This way, the interaction with readers and listeners allowed access to information, highlighting the importance of the veterinarian in public health to face COVID-19, reducing the vulnerability of the population due to lack of access to knowledge.

  • Grackelly Alves Rezende
  • Mariana Alves Vargas Barbosa
  • Carla Cristina Braz Louly
  • Hugo Jayme Mathias Coelho Peron
  • Carolina Fonseca Osava
  • Gabriel de Abreu Pfrimer
  • Alberto Corrêa Mendonça
  • Júlio Roquete Cardoso
  • Viviane Souza Cruz
  • Daniel Barbosa da Silva
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