Editorial: Systemic Perspectives on New Alignments During COVID-19: Digital Challenges and Opportunities


  • Thérèse Laferrière Universite Laval
  • Margaret Cox King’s College London




education systems, curriculum, teaching practices, digital opportunities, learning assessment


This overview of the articles presented in this issue considers the digital challenges and opportunities of the systemic perspectives on new alignments resulting from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. New challenges and opportunities were addressed by the 13 working groups of EDUsummIT2019 prior to the pandemic. However, the evidence and analyses presented in this issue have built on those originally identified perspectives by reviewing recent (2020/2021) research, development and practice across many educational sectors and contexts. We have shown that the status quo in the majority of education systems across the world has been thrown out of kilter. This has resulted in new alignments needing to be made to take account of the enforced remote learning when schools have been closed and blended learning has become widely practised even at school level. The most prominent of these have been caused by changes in digital equity which consequently imposes new challenges to policy makers, teachers and learners. This special issue stimulates reflection in and on practice as well as help problematizing new research challenges.

Author Biographies

Thérèse Laferrière , Universite Laval

Thérèse Laferrière est professeure à la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation de l’Université Laval, ex-directrice du Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur la réussite scolaire et chercheure principale du réseau PÉRISCOPE (Plateforme Échange Recherche Intervention sur la SCOlarité : Persévérance et réussitE. Elle a co-présidé l’EDUsummIT2019 et s’intéresse au numérique en éducation depuis 1995.

Margaret Cox, King’s College London

Margaret Cox, Emeritus Professor of Information Technology in Education based in both the Faculty of Education, Communication and Society and the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences at King’s College London. She has authored/co-authored over 250 publications in the field of technology enhanced learning and related areas of education, science, psychology, and physics over the last 40+ years.


