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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Korea Distribution Science Association

22 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 Mitigating Uncertainty in the Boardroom: Analysis to Financial Reporting for Financial Risk COVID-19 Ali Khazaal JABBAR, Aymen Raheem Abdulaali ALMAYYAHI, Ibrahem Mohamed ALI, Alhamzah ALNOOR
2 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 Financial Stability of GCC Banks in the COVID-19 Crisis: A Simulation Approach Sami AL-KHARUSI, Sree Rama MURTHY
3 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 Assessing the Unemployment Problem Using A Grey MCDM Model under COVID-19 Impacts: A Case Analysis from Vietnam Phi-Hung NGUYEN, Jung-Fa TSAI, Hong-Phuc NGUYEN, Viet-Trang NGUYEN, Trong-Khoi DAO
4 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 The Effects of Restrictions in Economic Activity on the Spread of COVID-19 in the Philippines: Insights from Apple and Google Mobility Indicators Abraham C. CAMBA, Aileen L. CAMBA
5 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Cashless System in Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic Somkid YAKEAN
6 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 Job Performance During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study on Indonesian Startup Companies Galih Fajar MUTTAQIN, Muhammad TAQI, Bustanul ARIFIN
7 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Dec―02 The Shifting of Business Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Social Media Marketing Matter? Tundung Subali PATMA, Ludi Wishnu WARDANA, Agus WIBOWO, Bagus Shandy NARMADITYA
8 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Nov―05 Economics During Global Recession: Sharia-Economics as a Post COVID-19 Agenda Aryati ARFAH, Fahruddin Zain OLILINGO, S. SYAIFUDDIN, D. DAHLIAH, N. NURMIATI, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma PUTRA
9 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Nov―05 The Impact of COVID-19, Day-of-the-Week Effect, and Information Flows on Bitcoin’s Return and Volatility Ying Sing LIU, Liza LEE
10 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Nov―05 Empowering Leadership and Individual Creativity: The Mediation Role of Psychological Empowerment in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic Yuni SISWANTI, Muafi MUAFI
11 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Nov―05 The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Adoption of Internet Banking in Indonesia: Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank Heri SUDARSONO, Rindang Nuri Isnaini NUGROHOWATI, Yunice Karina TUMEWANG
12 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Nov―05 Social Media Adoption in SMEs Impacted by COVID-19: The TOE Model Mohamad Irhas EFFENDI, Dyah SUGANDINI, Yuni ISTANTO
13 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Oct―15 Effectiveness of E-Training, E-Leadership, and Work Life Balance on Employee Performance during COVID-19 Christian Wiradendi WOLOR, Solikhah SOLIKHAH, Nadya Fadillah FIDHYALLAH, Deniar Puji LESTARI
14 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Oct―15 The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Philippine Stock Exchange, Peso-Dollar Rate and Retail Price of Diesel Aileen L. CAMBA, Abraham C. CAMBA Jr.
15 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Oct―15 The Risk-Return Relationship in Crude Oil Markets during COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Time-Varying Coefficient GARCH-in-Mean Model Napon HONGSAKULVASU, Asama LIAMMUKDA
16 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Oct―15 Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Customers’ Savings Deposit in the Context of COVID-19: Evidence from Vietnamese Commercial Banks Quoc Thinh TRAN, Mai Uoc TRAN, Xuan Thuy LE
17 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Sep―08 Foreign Investors’ Abnormal Trading Behavior in the Time of COVID-19 Anya KHANTHAVIT
18 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Sep―08 CoronavirusCOVID-19’ - Supply Chain Disruption and Implications for Strategy, Economy, and Management Jarrah F. AL-MANSOUR, Sanad A. AL-AJMI
19 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Sep―08 Herding Behavior in Emerging and Frontier Stock Markets During Pandemic Influenza Panics Quang Thu LUU, Hien Thi Thu LUONG
20 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Jul―14 Stock Market Response during COVID-19 Lockdown Period in India: An Event Study Mohammad Noor ALAM, Md. Shabbir ALAM, Kavita CHAVALI
21 [GO] Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 2020―Jul―14 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis of World Major Stock Indices Karamat KHAN, Huawei ZHAO, Han ZHANG, Huilin YANG, Muhammad Haroon SHAH, Atif JAHANGER
22 [GO] Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business 2020―Sep―18 The Effect of the Reduction in the Interest Rate Due to COVID-19 on the Transaction Prices and the Rental Prices of the House Ju-Hwan KIM, Sang-Ho LEE

22 Results       Page 1


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