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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Practical Medicine Publishing House

29 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Annals of critical care 2024―Apr―27 The role of electrical impedance tomography in predicting the failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with COVID-19-associated hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: a prospective observational study A. P. Krasnoshchekova, Andrey I. Yaroshetskiy, T. S. Serkova, Z. M. Merzhoeva, N. V. Trushenko, G. S. Nuralieva, et al. (+2)
2 [GO] Annals of critical care 2024―Jan―28 Personalized corticosteroid treatment of patients with severe new coronavirus infection complicated by pneumonia: a prospective comparative study E. Yu. Soloveitchik, Ildar I. Lutfarakhmanov, A. R. Shakirov, P. I. Mironov, D. A. Valishin
3 [GO] Annals of critical care 2023―Oct―31 Cyclosporine A therapy in patients with COVID-19 and failure of immunosuppression therapy: a retrospective cohort propensity-score matched analysis Z. M. Merzhoeva, A. I. Yaroshetskiy, S. A. Savko, A. P. Krasnoshchekova, Irina A. Mandel, N. A. Tsareva, et al. (+3)
4 [GO] Annals of critical care 2023―Sep―05 Comparison of ultrasound signs, computed tomography data and morphological examination of the lungs in patients with coronavirus infection: post hoc analysis Roman E. Lakhin, E. A. Zhirnova, A. V. Shchegolev, I. S. Zheleznyak, V. S. Chirsky, D. Y. Pluminsky
5 [GO] Annals of critical care 2023―May―03 Анализ связи нарушений гемостаза со степенью выраженности дыхательной недостаточности у пациентов с COVID-19: проспективное наблюдательное исследование Михаил Израилевич Неймарк, А. П. Момот, М. Г. Николаева, А. Н. Мамаев, С. Н. Проскурин, П. В. Логвинов, et al. (+3)
6 [GO] Annals of critical care 2023―May―03 Профессиональное выгорание, особенности качества жизни и психологические проблемы у врачей - анестезиологов-реаниматологов в современных условиях после пандемии COVID-19: результаты интернет-опроса Татьяна Павловна Никитина, С. М. Ефремов, Т. И. Ионова
7 [GO] Annals of critical care 2023―Jan―31 The use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of severe forms of new coronavirus infection COVID-19: a prospective observational study Aleksandr M. Dzyadzko, S. I. Krivenko, A. V. Syradouey, N. I. Dedylya, P. S. Prylutski, E. A. Prymakova, et al. (+5)
8 [GO] Annals of critical care 2022―Oct―31 Thrombocytopenia in the ICU before and during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19: a comparative retrospective cohort study E.L. Bulanova, S.E. Rabotinsky, P.A. Degtyarev, D. O. Sinyavkin, A. Yu. Bulanov
9 [GO] Annals of critical care 2022―Aug―05 Ultrasound-guided lung lesion index as a predictor of treatment outcomes: cohort study of 388 patients with coronavirus infection Roman E. Lakhin, E.A. Zhirnova, A.V. Shchegolev, I.S. Zheleznyak, I.A. Menkov, A.A. Chugunov
10 [GO] Annals of critical care 2022―Apr―28 Efficiency and safety of convalescent plasma therapy in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review E.A. Ostrovskaya, A.I. Kostin, A.Yu. Bulanov
11 [GO] Annals of critical care 2022―Mar―02 Anesthesia and intensive care for patients with COVID-19. Russian Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists guidelines Igor B. Zabolotskikh, M. Yu. Kirov, K.M. Lebedinskii, D.N. Protsenko, S.N. Avdeev, A.A. Andreenko, et al. (+40)
12 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Nov―08 Prognostic value of serum albumin and urea nitrogen excretion in COVID-19 ICU patients: a single-center, prospective, cohort study Ilya N. Leyderman, N.A. Lesteva, I.U. Kasherininov, A.S. Kuzmin, P.S. Akhimov, S.A. Barinova, et al. (+2)
13 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Nov―08 Respiratory support in COVID-19 patients in Kommunarka hospital: a single-centered, retrospective study Nikita S. Matiushkov, I.N. Tyurin, S.N. Avdeikin, A.V. Boyarkov, D.N. Kazakov, D.M. Kostin, et al. (+2)
14 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Nov―08 What treatment really make sense for critically ill patients with COVID-19: single-center retrospective cohort study L.V. Ermokhina, A.S. Mityashov, S.N. Perekhodov, N.I. Chaus, N.A. Karpun, A.A. Baeva, et al. (+4)
15 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Aug―17 Lung ultrasound in COVID-19 pneumonia: comparison with computed tomography. An observation prospective clinical trial Roman E. Lakhin, E.A. Zhirnova, A.V. Shchegolev, O. Jovanikić, I.S. Zheleznyak, I.A. Menkov, et al. (+2)
16 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―May―09 Comparative study of monoclonal anti-IL6 antibodies in severe new coronavirus disease COVID-19 patients. Retrospective cohort study S.S. Bobkova, A.A. Zhukov, D.N. Protsenko, V.V. Samoylenko, I.N. Tyurin
17 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―May―09 Critical appraisal of the "cytokine storm" concept in new coronavirus disease COVID-19. Review S.S. Bobkova, A.A. Zhukov, D.N. Protsenko, V.V. Samoylenko, I.N. Tyurin
18 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―May―09 Comparison of REMS, NEWS, qSOFA scales and SIRS criteria in sepsis prediction for patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: retrospective observational study K.D. Zybin, A.A. Noskov, T.S. Musaeva, M.P. Kuznetsova, S.I. Goncharenko, O.V. Vysotsky, et al. (+6)
19 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Apr―03 Anesthesia and intensive care for patients with COVID-19. Russian Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists guidelines I.B. Zabolotskikh, M.Yu. Kirov, K.M. Lebedinskii, D.N. Protsenko, S.N. Avdeev, A.A. Andreenko, et al. (+40)
20 [GO] Annals of critical care 2021―Apr―03 New coronavirus infection COVID-19: clinical and prognostic significance of plasma fibrinogen level A.Yu. Bulanov, I.B. Simarova, E.L. Bulanova, D.O. Siniavkin, A.Yu. Feklistov, S.E. Rabotinsky, S.A. Katrish
21 [GO] Annals of critical care 2020―Nov―10 Evolution of guidelines on anesthesia and intensive care for patients with COVID-19: Editorial A.M. Ovezov, A.G. Yavorovskiy, K.D. Zybin, E.V. Roitman, A.I. Yaroshetskiy, K.M. Lebedinskii, et al. (+3)
22 [GO] Annals of critical care 2020―Sep―07 Minimum requirements for rescuit beds and respiratory equipment in institutions refined for treatment of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Article B. V Silaev, V. I Vechorko, D. N Protsenko, O. V Averkov, E. Yu Khalikova, ALEKSEY IVANOVICh GRITsAN, MIKhAIL NIKOLAEVICh ZAMYaTIN
23 [GO] Annals of critical care 2020―Sep―07 COVID-19 in pregnant women of Siberia and the Far East. Article N. V Artymuk, T. E Belokrinitskaya, O. S Filippov, E. M Shifman, ALEKSANDR VENIAMINOVICh KULIKOV, MIKhAIL IZRAILEVICh NEYMARK, DENIS NIKOLAEVICh PROTsENKO
24 [GO] Annals of critical care 2020―Sep―07 Anesthesia and intensive care for patients with COVID-19. Russian Federation of anesthesiologists and reanimatologists guidelines. Annals of Critical Care I. B Zabolotskikh, M. Yu Kirov, K. M Lebedinskii, D. N Protsenko, S. N Avdeev, A. A Andreenko, et al. (+39)
25 [GO] Clinical oncohematology 2024―Feb―19 Новая коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19 у пациентов с волосатоклеточным лейкозом","Novel Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 in Hairy Cell Leukemia Patients Любовь Васильевна Пластинина, Л. С. Аль-Ради, Т. Н. Моисеева, И. Э. Костина, Ю. А. Чабаева, Е. А. Барях, et al. (+2)
26 [GO] Clinical oncohematology 2023―Oct―07 Динамика выявления РНК вируса SARS-CoV-2 у пациентов и сотрудников ФГБУ «НМИЦ гематологии» Минздрава России в первые 2 года пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19","Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Detection in Patients and Employees of the National Research Center for Hematology During the First Two Years of the Novel COVID-19 Pandemic Оксана Газимагомедовна Старкова, Д. С. Тихомиров, А. Ю. Крылова, И. О. Снежко, Е. Н. Овчинникова, О. А. Алешина, et al. (+2)
27 [GO] Clinical oncohematology 2023―Sep―29 Characteristic Features of the Novel Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 in Oncohematological Patients","Особенности течения новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 у пациентов с онкогематологическими заболеваниями Николай Александрович Романенко, Е. Р. Шилова, Л. В. Стельмашенко, Е. И. Кайтанджан, А. В. Кулешова, Н. П. Стижак, et al. (+4)
28 [GO] Clinical oncohematology 2021―May―09 COVID-19 in Patients with Oncohematological Diseases Anatolii Aleksandrovich Danilenko, S.V. Shakhtarina, N.A. Falaleeva
29 [GO] Clinical oncohematology 2020―Dec―19 The Use of Checkpoint Inhibitors in Classical Hodgkin's Lymphoma during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Pirogov Medical Center's Experience) VO Sarzhevskii, EA Demina, NE Mochkin, AA Spornik, AA Mamedova, EG Smirnova, et al. (+6)

29 Results       Page 1


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