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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

149 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE 2024―Oct―15 The Relationship between Covid-19 and Consumption Patterns of Poor Households Resha Moniyana Putri, Heru Wahyudi
2 [GO] EARTH SCIENCES AND HUMAN CONSTRUCTIONS 2024―Oct―17 The Relationship Between the Loss of Household Income and Socioeconomic Variables in the Second COVID-19 Lockdown Yessy Fitriani, Semukasa Philimon, Kartika Setyaningsih Sunardi, Karlinda Karlinda, Desi Metriana Erza, Apri Yulda, et al. (+2)
3 [GO] Engineering World 2024―Jan―29 A Covid-19 Identification Framework for Vulnerable Using Technology Intervention Swatantra Kumar Sahu, Neeraj Sahu, Brijesh Bakariya
4 [GO] Engineering World 2022―Dec―29 COVID -19 Pandemic Effect on the Solar Irradiance: Case Study Ma`an Development Area Ahlam. M. Alsaidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
5 [GO] International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2023―Nov―06 A COVID-19 Based on Fractional Order Integral-Tilt Derivative Controller for Nonlinear Servomechanism Model Mohamed A. Shamseldin, Mahmoud Salah, Abdel Ghany Mohamed, M. A. Abdel Ghany
6 [GO] International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2022―Dec―06 Performance Comparison for COVID-19 Chest X-ray Images Classification based on Different CNNs Wessam S. Elaraby, Ahmed H. Madian
7 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development 2023―Jul―18 Forecasting the Performance of PT Pertamina’s Petrochemical Products During the Covid-19 Pandemic Era Waljiyanto Waljiyanto, M. Al Musadieq, Edy Yulianto, Yusri Abdillah
8 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development 2023―Jun―19 Local Wisdom-based Social Solidarity Model in Mitigating the COVID-19 Disaster in Madiun City, Indonesia Sigit Sapto Nugroho, Ahadiati Rohmatiah, Mutmainah Mutmainah
9 [GO] International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development 2023―Jun―19 A Look at Individuals’ Financial Resilience in Albania Before COVID-19 Elona Dushku, Arjan Tushaj, Valentina Sinaj
10 [GO] International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering 2023―Feb―13 Machine Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing Tasks: A Case of COVID-19 Twitter data (Thailand) Kunyanuth Kularbphettong, Rujijan Vichivanives, Pannawat Kanjanaprakarn, Kanyarat Bussaban, Jaruwan Chutrtong, Nareenart Ruksuntorn
11 [GO] MOLECULAR SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS 2022―Oct―07 Strategic Modeling of Medical Intelligence as a Countermeasure for Future Pandemics Menizibeya O. Welcome, Dileep Kumar M
12 [GO] MOLECULAR SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS 2022―Jul―18 COVID-19 Medical Data Integration Approach Violeta Todorova, Veska Gancheva, Valeri Mladenov
13 [GO] PROOF 2024―Apr―03 Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Solution of a Boundary Value Problem for the Covid-19 SIR Model Serdar Saldiroğlu, Serdal Pamuk
14 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2023―Oct―24 Exploring Full-time Online Learning of Secondary School Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic Qi Zhu, Joyce Zhu
15 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2023―Jan―19 Students Behaviors and Factors Affecting Online Learning During the COVID-19 Situation of Students in Saun Sunandha Rajabhat University Jaruwan Chutrtong, Narumon Boonman, Supatchalee Sirichokworrakit
16 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2022―Jul―02 Understanding Students’ Attitudes Towards Distance Learning in Covid-19 Period Trimech Anyssa, Wissal Jlassi
17 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2022―Jan―05 Virtual Three-phase Laboratory Exercise During Pandemic Situation Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
18 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2021―Sep―17 Challenges of Teaching Control Engineering to Seafarers According to IMO - STCW 2010 Convention During the Mutated Corona Virus (COVID - 19) Pandemic Ahmed Ekashlan
19 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2021―Aug―04 How the Preferences of Students Change on Online Learning From Transition Term to During the Covid Pandemic Period
20 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES in ENGINEERING EDUCATION 2020―Dec―29 Student Experience and Expectation with E-Learning Modality in Times of Pandemic
21 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2025―Jan―07 Self-consistent Estimation of Ordinary Differential Equation Parameters Describing Dynamical Systems: A Case Study of COVID-19 in Germany Loukas Kyriakidis, Michail Kyriakidis
22 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2025―Jan―07 Development of Portable Electronics Incentive Spirometer for Patients Recovering from COVID-19 for Nakhon Nayok and Sa Kaeo Province Community W. Senavongse, S. Noimanee
23 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2024―Apr―25 A Comprehensive Survey on the Data-Driven Approaches used for Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic Walid Salameh, Ola M. Surakhi, Mohammad Y. Khanafseh
24 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2024―Mar―21 A Dynamic Reaction-restore-type Transmission-rate Model for COVID-19 Fernando Córdova-Lepe, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez-Jara
25 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2024―Mar―21 Transformed Regression Type Estimators in the Presence of Missing Observations: Case Studies on COVID-19 Incidence in Chiang Mai, Thailand Natthapat Thongsak, Nuanpan Lawson
26 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2024―Mar―01 The Effect of Molar Weight on Airborne Infectiousness of Coronavirus N. Khajohnsaksumeth
27 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2024―Feb―27 Numerical Implementation of a Susceptible - Infected - Recovered (SIR) Mathematical Model of Covid-19 Disease in Nigeria Ogunlade Temitope Olu, Ogunmiloro Oluwatayo Michael, Fadugba Sunday Emmanuel, Oginni Omoniyi Israel, Oluwayemi Matthew Olanrewaju, Okoro Joshua Otonritse, Olatunji Sunday Olufemi
28 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2023―Sep―20 Impact on Quality of Life in Incarcerated Individuals: A Theoretical Reflection from the Cognitive Perspective of COVID-19 Ana María Lozano Hurtado, Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez Puerta, Isabela Gutiérrez Rivera, Cristian David Gaviria Giraldo, Valeria Cárdenas Parra
29 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2022―Sep―02 Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of a Multiple Time-scale Model for Diabetes and COVID-19 Comorbidity Chontita Rattanakul, Yongwimon Lenbury, Nathnarong Khajohnsaksumeth, Charin Modchang
30 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2022―Jan―27 Critical Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus L. Ridgway Scott, Ariel Fernandez
31 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE 2020―Dec―07 Are Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) Having An Effective Role In Helping Humanity Address The New Coronavirus Pandemic?
32 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Oct―10 Identifying COVID-19 Fake News on Social Networks Using Deep Learning: You will not know what happens next! Pushpendu Kar, Zhongyi Wang
33 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Sep―06 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the External Auditor’s Effort and His Opinion on the Firm is Going Concern Abeer Abdallah Mhammed Grayb, Nasareldeen Hamed Ahmed Alnor, Eid Mahmoud Abozaid, Ebrahim Mohammed Al-Matari, Adam Mohamed Omer, Mohamed Elnair Mohamedain Khogaly
34 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Jun―18 Comparative Analysis of the Financial Performance of Jordanian-listed Companies during and after the covid-19 Pandemic Abdalwali Lutfi, Nashat Ali Almasria, Hassan H Aldboush, Mohammed Faisal Hassan, Mahmaod Alrawad, Fadya Burhan Alhajahmad
35 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―May―17 The Impact of Knowledge Management on Digital Innovation in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Digital Capability and Digital Orientation Syarifah Hudayah, Melda Aulia Ramadhani, Sugeng Raharjo, Nita Priska Ambarita, Hidayani Hidayani, Rizky Yudaruddin
36 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―May―10 The Impact of E-Marketing on Consumer Satisfaction during Pandemic Time Albulena Avdili Zeqiri, Behrije Ramaj Desku, Karolina Ilieska
37 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Apr―25 The Impact of the Pandemic Covid-19 on the Digitalization of Trade in Developing Countries Gerti Dajçi, Mateus Habili
38 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Mar―22 Where have all the flowers gone? The Impact of COVID-19 on UK Households’ Economic Well-Being Demetrio Panarello, Giorgio Tassinari
39 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Mar―08 Government Investment and Capital Participation to State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia to Mitigate The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic: Is It Effective? Amdi Veri Darma, Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari, Eka Ardhani Sisdyani, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi
40 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Jan―03 The Impact of Social Media on Online Shopping Behavior of Gen Z Consumers In Time of Covid-19 Pandemic; The Moderating Role of Celebrity Endorsements Gusti Noorlitaria Achmad, Fitriansyah Fitriansyah, Dadang Lesmana, Rizky Yudaruddin
41 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Jan―03 The Resilience of Indonesia’s Economy in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic: Social and Cultural Aspects of the "Baduy Tribe" People’s Economy Dadi Darmadi, Fidrayani Fidrayani, Imam Subchi, Siti Fadilah, Sadawi Sadawi, Asmu’i Asmu’i
42 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024―Jan―03 Liquidity Surplus and Profitability: How Does Liquidity Affect Profitability prior to and during COVID-19? (Empirical Indonesian Banking Sector) Lucky Nugroho, Ildiko Orban, Wiwik Utami, Nurul Hidayah, Erik Nugraha
43 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Nov―17 Sustainable Supply Chain Management of COVID-19 Vaccines for Vaccination Delivery based on Routing Algorithms Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Michail Ploumis, Alkinoos Psarras, Faidon Komisopoulos, Ioannis Salmon, Klimis Ntalianis, S. R. Jino Ramson
44 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Oct―20 Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Business Management Students in Malaysia and Indonesia during COVID-19 Mariam Setapa, Mazlina Mamat, Sakinah Mat Zin, Nur Haslina Ramli, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq, Siti Khumayah, et al. (+2)
45 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Oct―06 Impact of Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement on Intention to Quit Among Medical Professionals During Covid -19 Pandemic Ameen Alharbi
46 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Sep―11 The Role of Flexible Work Schedule in Improving Workers’ Performance Quality in Jordanian Government Sector in Light of the COVID-19 Zakarya Ahmad Alatyat, Husam Mahmmud Jamil Abu Hamour
47 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Aug―11 Food Price and Inflation Volatilities during Covid-19 Period: Empirical Study of a Region in Indonesia Cep Jandi Anwar, Indra Suhendra, Ayu Srimulyani, Vadilla Mutia Zahara, Rah Adi Fahmi Ginanjar, Stannia Cahaya Suci
48 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jul―14 The Implications of Covid-19 on the Imports of Oil from Saudi Arabia: The Case of Highest-importer Asian Countries Isam Ellaythy, Yousif Osman
49 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jul―07 Problems Causing Work-Related Stress and Strategies for Coping with Stress Suggested by Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic L. Linnik, J. Sepp
50 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jun―30 Factors Affecting Students’ Fake News Identification during COVID-19 in Vietnam: Access from Sociological Study and Application of PLS-SEM Model Oanh Lu Thi Mai, Hung Le Ngoc, Tra Pham Huong, Binh Ha Anh, Thuy Nguyen Thi Thanh, Dang Nguyen Duc, et al. (+5)
51 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jun―15 Impact of Tunisian Political and COVID-19 Crisis on Asset Allocation: Traditional Theory of Portfolio Selection Versus Behavioral Theory Yasmina Jaber
52 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jun―13 Economic-Related Reasons as a Motive to Avoid Sanction during Pandemic: Judges’ Perspectives on Different Sentences on Crimes Muhammad Ikram Nur Fuady, Hamsir Hamsir, Rahman Syamsuddin, Anshar Anshar, Basto Daeng Robo, Arisa Murni Rada, Hasdiwanti Hasdiwanti
53 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Apr―07 Good Corporate Governance and Accounting Performance Affecting the Profit Quality of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic Thantip Setan, Piyanat Thunputtadom
54 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Mar―31 Economic and Psychological Well-being in Pandemic Times Besmira , Lahi, Ines Nurja
55 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Mar―22 The Modeling of Jakarta Composite Index Data Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic and its Alignment into Government Policy in Energy Sector Florentina Kurniasari, Eko Endarto, Helena Dewi, Cynthia Sari Dewi, Nurhuda Nizar
56 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Mar―16 Liquidity on Banks Performance with Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable (Indonesia Pandemic Covid-19 Evidence) Tipri Rose Kartika
57 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Mar―10 Covid-19 Influence on Travelers/ Commuters' Attitude towards Taxi Services in Saudi Arabia Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam
58 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Mar―02 Community Enterprise in Processed Agricultural Products after the COVID-19: Problems and Adaptation for the Development of Grassroots Economy Jitsupa Kitipadung, Watunyu Jaiborisudhi
59 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Feb―17 Assessment of Banking Conditions on Financial Distress During the Period of COVID-19 in Indonesia Setiyo Purwanto, Didin Hikmah Perkasa, Ferryal Abadi
60 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Feb―02 A Study of the Remote Working Efficiency in IT Project Implementation during the COVID-19 Pandemic Kittisak Umaji, Worapat Paireekreng
61 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2023―Jan―09 Resilience of Romanian Tourism to Economic Crises and Covid-19 Pandemic Mirela Mazilu, Amalia Niță, Ionuț-Adrian Drăguleasa
62 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Dec―30 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation on the Perception of the Type of Risks Albanian SMEs Face (Case Study - SME’s in the Southern Region of Albania) Lorenc Kociu, Alban Korbi
63 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Nov―15 The Impact of E-Business on Entrepreneurship Development in the Context of COVID-19 Liudmyla Verbivska, Hassan Ali Al- Ababneh, Alina Korbutiak, Olena Bondar, Anna Panchenko, Inna Ippolitova
64 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Nov―11 Digital Transformation of the Educational Process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Khalid Naser Al-Zubi
65 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Nov―11 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Dynamics of Financial Instruments in the World Trade Iryna Otenko, Ihor Hrabynskyi, Alina Lytvynenko, Elena Lytvynenko, Mykola Povoroznyk, Dmytro Nikitin
66 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Oct―24 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Financial Situation of Hospitals in Europe Wojciech Naruć
67 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Oct―21 Measuring the Level of Accounting Conservatism Pre-and Post-IFRS Adoption in Jordan: The Modified Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic Laith Akram Al-Qudah
68 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Oct―21 Situational Leadership Role in Enhancing Organizational Performance during Covid 19 Pandemic among a Sample of Kuwaiti SMEs Salah A. A. Alabduljader
69 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Sep―07 Efficiency Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Siti Nur Zahirah Omar, Rusnifaezah Musa, Maliani Mohamad, Che Mohd Syaharuddin Che Cob, Azmahani Yaacob @ Othman, Razli Ramli
70 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Sep―06 The Accuracy of Financial Distress Prediction During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Sub Sector Companies Immas Nurhayati, Endri Endri, Titing Suharti, Imam Sundarta, Rachmatullaily Tinakartika Rinda
71 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Sep―05 Improvement of Accounting of Certain Assets and Provisions in the Conditions of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic Impact: Example of Ukraine Valerii Zhuk, Tanislav Vasylishyn, Oleg Kantsurov, Oksana Prokopyshyn, Yevhen Stupnytskyi
72 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Jul―25 External Debt and Economic Growth in the Western Balkan Countries, with special focus to Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia in the course of the pandemic COVID-19 Bardhyl Dauti, Ismet Voka
73 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Jul―22 Opportunities, Threats and Risks of Implementation the Innovative Business Management Technologies in the Post-Pandemic Period COVID-19 Sergii Illiashenko, Olena Bilovodska, Tetiana Tsalko, Olesia Tomchuk, Svitlana Nevmerzhytska, Nataliia Buhas
74 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Jul―22 Stock Market Reactions before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah, Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi, Arianto Arianto, et al. (+4)
75 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―May―06 The Developments of The Digital Technologies in The Accounting Scientific Research In The Light of The Corona Pandemic - An Exploratory Study In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Reem Oqab Al-Khasawneh
76 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Apr―29 Changes in Payment Patterns in Hungary During the Pandemic Fanni Farkas, Cserne Panka Póta, Patrícia Becsky-Nagy
77 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Mar―26 Purchase Decision-Making during the Covid Pandemic 19: The Character of International Consumer Behavior Emin Neziraj, Driton Sylqa
78 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Mar―18 Electronic Collection of Public Revenue In The Light of the Corona Virus Pandemic in Jordanian Governmental Institutes Reem Oqab Al-Khasawneh
79 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Mar―17 The Impact of the Emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19) on E-Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mehdi Abid, Houcine Benlaria, Zouheyr Gheraia
80 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Mar―14 The Expected Impact of Strict Obligation to Apply Going Concern Assumption (GCA) on Enhancing the Entity's Ability to Withstand the COVID-19 Pandemic: Applied Research on Entities that May Exit from the Market in Jordan Walid Omar Owais, Marwan Mohammad Abu Fadda
81 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Mar―02 Build Real Estate Evaluation Model Based on Customer Requirement After COVID-19 Wen-Pin Huang, Chih-Hsing Hung
82 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Jan―25 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Financial and Asset Situation of Polish Infectious Diseases Hospitals Wojciech Naruć
83 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2022―Jan―04 Covid-19 Pandemic: Empirical Study of Determinants of Purchase Decision Andika Baskara, Sukamto Sukamto
84 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Dec―03 Reflection of Corporation Social Responsibility in Supporting of Saudi Health Care Sector through Covid 19 Pandemic Hasan Salih Suliman Al-Qudah
85 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Nov―25 Teaching Methods for Generation Z for Physical Activities: a Stable Labor Market Provision under the COVID-19 Pandemic Ivars Kravalis, Kalvis Ciekurs, Anastasija Ropa, Inese Mavlutova, Janis Hermanis
86 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Oct―25 COVID-19 Tourist Seasons and Business Activities of Listed Hotel Companies in Croatia Vlasta Roška
87 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Aug―26 Does the Pandemic Matter? Diagnosing the Immediate Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Financial Security of Small Enterprises in Poland Dominika Kordela, Monika Pettersen-Sobczyk
88 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Jul―19 The Effect of COVID-19 to Credit Risk and Capital Risk of State-Owned Bank in Indonesia: A System Dynamics Model Taufiq Hidayat, Dian Masyita, Sulaeman Rahman Nidar, Erie Febrian, Fauzan Ahmad
89 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Jul―13 Analysis of The Influence of Entrepreneurship Capability, Agility, Business Transformation, Opportunity on Start-Up Behavior In E-Commerce Companies In Indonesia During The Covid 19 Pandemic Christopher Allen Pramono, Adler Haymans Manurung, Pantri Heriyati, Wibowo Kosasih
90 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Jun―01 Impact Covid-19 Pandemic On Local Rice Supply Chain Flow In Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Yuni Erlina, Evi Feronika Elbaar
91 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―May―19 The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Online Purchasing Behavior Nour Marwan Qtaishat
92 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―May―19 A Review on Healthcare Schemes in Nigeria: a Case of Corona Virus Pandemic Titilope M. Dokunmu, Cynthia U. Adjekukor, Senanu R. Okuboyejo, Akeem Bello, Foluso Ayeni, Victor Mbarika
93 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Mar―03 The Impact in Perceptions of Anxiety Feelings During Lockdown of COVID-19 Rejla Bozdo
94 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2021―Jan―05 Threat to Business Activity in Times of the Pandemic Halina Chłodnicka
95 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2020―Sep―17 Local Currencies Versus the Level of Economic Security of the Region During the COVID-19 Period
96 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2020―Sep―03 The Analysis of Financial Liquidity Management in Small Transport Enterprises During the COVID 19 Pandemic - Case Study of Poland
97 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2024―Jun―25 Automated Diagnosis of Covid-19 and Pneumonia Using Transfer Learning and Custom Segmentation on Chest X-Ray Images Advait K Asok, Lidiya Lilly Thampi
98 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2024―Jan―02 Board Profile and Pandemic Covid-19 Effect on Improving Level of Environmental, Social, And Governance (ESG) Disclosures: (Evidence from Energy Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2020) Aloysius Harry Mukti, Triana Yuniati
99 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2023―Sep―25 The Internet of Things (IoT) is being used to Control the Implementation of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Practices during the COVID-19 Era in Indonesia Ramadhan Tosepu, Sitti Zahra Aulia Nazar, Nani Yuniar
100 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2023―Aug―11 An Empirical Investigation of Taiwanese Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in an Initiative to Adopt Digitization during Covid-19 Pandemic Dahui Dong, Meng-lin Chen
101 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2023―Jul―14 Emergent Talent Management Model and Industry Toolkit During a Pandemic - An Investigation in the Vietnamese Banking Sector Nhan Truong Thanh Dang, Nhat Minh Nguyen, Van Dung Ha, Thi Anh Tuyet Le
102 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER RESEARCH 2021―Jul―06 Impact of Covid-19 on the dynamics of MTPL insurance premiums and claims paid in Latvia Aivars Spilbergs, Andris Fomins, Maris Krastins
103 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS 2022―Jun―16 Study on Moving Face-to-Face CS Courses to Online in Pandemic Qi Zhu, Scehila W. Martins
104 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS 2021―Jan―29 Effects of the Reproduction Number in a Seiird Model Describing the Time Evolution of COVID-19 at Count Ry Level Flavius Guias
105 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS 2021―Jan―14 Perceptions of Business Students toward Online Education before and in Transition Period of COVID-19 Clare Chua, Nursel Selver Ruzgar
106 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2024―May―16 How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect Corporate Cash Holdings Determinants? An Applied Study on Saudi Arabia Firms Dabboussi Moez, Badreldin Mohamed Ahmed Abdulrahman
107 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2024―Mar―04 Data Analysis of the Air Quality (PM2.5) before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdowns in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Mark Van Eker, Emanuele Lindo Secco
108 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2024―Jan―02 Time Series Satellite and Observational Data for Assessment of Urban Air Pollution and Climate Dynamics Impacts on COVID-19 transmission in Bucharest Dan Savastru, Maria A. Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Marina N. Tautan, Daniel V. Tenciu
109 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Oct―17 Women Empowerment during Covid-19: A Systematic Literature Review Vina Salviana Darvina Soedarwo, Tutik Sulistyowati, Wahyudi Winarjo, Mohammad Reevany Bustami, Salahudin Salahudin, Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi
110 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Oct―10 The Existence of Migrants as Farm Workers in The Shift in The Post- Covid-19 Industrial Landscape in Berastagi Sub-District, Karo Regency Bengkel Ginting, Tuti Atika, Februati Trimurni
111 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Jun―06 Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Micro Finance Income Apriatni E. P., Ngatno Ngatno
112 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―May―20 The Pandemic Politics in Indonesia: A Comparative Perspective Anyualatha Haridison, Yuwanto Yuwanto, Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, Wijayanto Wijayanto
113 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Mar―10 Survey of the Behaviors and Willingness of Chinese Travelers in a Coastal Area to Visit Japan under the Zero Covid-19 Policy Fangfang Wei, Noriaki Endo
114 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Feb―24 Modelling and Forecast of Air Pollution Concentrations during COVID Pandemic Emergency with ARIMA Techniques: the Case Study of Two Italian Cities D. Rossi, A. Mascolo, S. Mancini, J. G. Ceron Breton, R. M. Ceron Breton, C. Guarnaccia
115 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2023―Jan―25 Family Parents’ Perspective of Different Social-Economical Statuses about the Online and Offline Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Carlos Granados Ortiz, Sweney Giraldo Aristizabal, Ivan Padilla Escorcia, Yesika Rojas-Sandoval, José Gregorio Solórzano Movilla, Salomón David Consuegra Pacheco, Yolima Rocha Fontalvo
116 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Oct―12 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Spending in Flea Markets Evidence in Thailand Sup Amornpinyo
117 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jul―28 Predicting the Dynamics of Covid-19 Propagation in Azerbaijan based on Time Series Models Sakina Babashova
118 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jul―20 Changing Teaching Methods under the COVID-19 Pandemic for Generation Z Physical Activities: Gender Differences Kalvis Ciekurs, Ivars Kravalis, Anastasija Ropa, Inese Mavlutova, Janis Hermanis
119 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jun―23 Impact of Covid-19 on Digital Transformation and Resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises: The Case of Azerbaijan Arzu Abilova, Basti Aliyeva
120 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jun―02 Transformation of the Fiscal Mechanism of EU Member States and Ukraine During the Covid-19 Pandemic: from Consumption Supporting of to Investment Stimulation Viktoriia Rudenko, Halyna Pohrishchuk, Olena Moskvichova, Mykhailo Bilyi
121 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―May―31 Business Continuity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Surviving and Improving the Quality Process Management System G. Chatzistelios, E. P. Kechagias, S. P. Gayialis, G. A. Papadopoulos, N. E. Spyridonakos
122 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―May―19 Social, Political, Psychological Impacts of Covid-19 Digitalization of the Currency and Emerging World Order Ashfaq Ahmed, Atta Muhammad, Muhammad Owais, Kifayat Ullah, Muhammad Usman
123 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Mar―14 Differences of Self-Medication-Related Behavior Among Medical Students Before and During The COVID-19 Pandemic Rasmi Zakiah Oktarlina, Laurensius Amedeo Sitindaon, Efriyan Imantika, Liana Sidharti
124 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jan―27 Predicting the Total number of COVID-19 Deaths by County for the State of Florida: Ridge Regression Approach B. M. Golam Kibria, Manuel Urbistondo
125 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2022―Jan―04 The Benefits of e-Commerce before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic for Small Enterprises in Indonesia Sukisno Selamet Riadi, Ariesta Heksarini, Dirga Lestari, Siti Maria, Saida Zainurossalamia, Rizky Yudaruddin
126 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2021―Oct―01 A Mind Genomics-Based Cartography to Assess the Effects of the COVID19 pandemic in the tourism industry Petraq Papajorgji, Orkida Ilollari, Adrian Civici, Howard Moskowitz
127 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2021―Jul―26 Female Family-Head Resilience in Building Family Food Security in New Normal Adaptation of Covid-19 Pandemic Indra Kertati
128 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2021―Jun―01 Investigating the COVID-19 Self-Isolation Policy and Its Impact on Socioeconomic of Vulnerable Groups: An application of Rational and Non-Rational Thinking Models Amirudin Amirudin, Jumadil Saputra, Teuku Afrizal, M. Latip, Α. Tarmizi
129 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2021―Apr―22 E-commerce and M-commerce as Global Trends of International Trade Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic Ilona Dumanska, Lesya Hrytsyna, Olena Kharun, Olha Matviiets
130 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2024―Feb―20 Data Mining from Knowledge Cases of COVID-19 Mariya Evtimova-Gardair
131 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2023―Nov―03 Development of Regression Models for COVID-19 Trends in Malaysia Sofianita Mutalib, Siti Nurjeha Mohd Pungut, Aida Wati Zainan Abidin, Shamimi A Halim, Iskandar Shah Mohd Zawawi
132 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2022―Nov―04 AI-Based Low-Cost Real-Time Face Mask Detection and Health Status Monitoring System for COVID-19 Prevention Choon En You, Wai Leong Pang, Kah Yoong Chan
133 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2022―Apr―20 The Influence of Ambidextrous Leadership Mediated by Organizational Agility and Digital Business Model Innovation on the Performance of Telecommunication Companies in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic Marindra Bawono, Idris Gautama, Agustinus Bandur, Firdaus Alamsjah
134 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS 2021―Feb―24 KELM-KPCA Method for COVID-19-induced Pneumonia Detection Bacha Sawssen, Taouali Okba, Liouane Noureeddine
135 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2024―Nov―08 Application of Odd Chen-Log-Logistic Distribution to Covid-19 Data Klodiana Bani, Arbër Qoshja, Aurora Simoni, Marselina Uzuni
136 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2023―Oct―30 Half-Logistic Odd Power Generalized Weibull-inverse Lindley: Properties, Characterizations, Applications and Covid-19 Data Arbër Qoshja, Artur Stringa, Klodiana Bani, Rea Spaho
137 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2022―Sep―14 Study of COVID-19 Monitoring System Based on Block Chain and Anonymity Techniques Chenglian Liu, Sonia C-I Chen
138 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2022―Jun―17 Implementation of Fuzzy C-Means in Investor Group in the Stock Market Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Aisyah Aryandani, Solimun Solimun, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Achmad Efendi
139 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2021―Dec―01 Reconstruction of Non-linear Path Analysis Accompanied by Measurement Models on Food Security Models in Indonesia Post-Covid19 Pandemic Based on Big Data Solimun -, Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Nurjannah -, Indah Yanti, Luthfatul Amaliana, Eva Fadilah Ramadhani, Fathiyatul Laili Nur Rasyidah
140 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2021―Jun―11 A Novel Spatiotemporal Method for Predicting Covid-19 Cases Junzhe Cai, Peter Z. Revesz
141 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 2021―May―04 Global and Sensitivity Analyses of Unconcerned COVID-19 Cases in Nigeria: A Mathematical Modeling Approach Faniran T. S.,, Bakare E. A.,, Potucek R.,, Ayoola E. O.
142 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2023―Jun―02 Modeling COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections in a Vaccinated Population Ming Zhu, Ephraim Agyingi
143 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2023―Mar―24 Government Responsibility in Managing Illegal Drug Circulation During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ceprudin Ceprudin, Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, Sri Mulyani, Afif Noor, Dwi Wulandari, Ali Maskur
144 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2021―Aug―02 Optimal Covid-19 Based PD/PID Cascaded Tracking Control for Robot Arm driven by BLDC Motor Mohamed A. Shamseldin
145 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2021―Mar―16 Design of Fixed-Wing and Multi-Copter Hybrid Drone System for Human Body Temperature Measurement during COVID-19 Pandemic Zayed Almheiri, Rawan Aleid, Sharul Sham Dol
146 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 2023―Nov―15 A Combined Transformed Variable for Population Mean Estimators When Missing Data Occur with an Application to COVID-19 Incidence Natthapat Thongsak, Nuanpan Lawson
147 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 2023―Oct―17 Bone Remodeling Process and Covid-19: A Modelling Approach Chontita Rattanakul
148 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 2023―Jul―06 Control of Blood Sugar in Diabetes and COVID-19 Comorbidity with Physical Exercise: Modelling by Impulsive System of Differential Equations Chontita Rattanakul, Yongwimon Lenbury
149 [GO] WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 2020―Nov―10 A Mathematical Model for the Prediction of the Impact of Coronavirus(COVID­19) and Social Distancing Effect

149 Results       Page 1


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