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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Tyumen State Medical University

21 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Chronomedicine 2021―Aug―08 Sleep and Covid-19: neurophysiological and biochemical issues Yu. V. Boldyreva
2 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2023―Feb―08 Features of the spread of a new coronavirus infection in a single-industry town with limited population migration Ekaterina I. Kravchenko, Oksana A. Pasechnik
3 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Nov―07 Ethical and legal aspects of telemedicine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Anastasiya I. Shapel, Natalya I. Chezganova, Ivan M. Petrov
4 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Nov―07 The results of dynamic observation of the state of collective immune in medical staff of a multidisciplinary hospital in the period of the spread of a new coronavirus infection Vladimir A. Volchkov, Olga V. Mironenko, Aleksandr N. Marchenko, Viktoruya V. Selnitseva, Anna A. Tovanova
5 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Nov―07 Monitoring of laboratory parameters in patients with breast cancer with coronavirus infection Liliyana M. Saptarova, Elvira A. Imelbaeva, Gulnara F. Shakirova, Aliya V. Tukhbatova, Dina E. Bayburina, Shamil N. Galimov
6 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Jun―28 Study of the state of collective immunity of medical staff at a multidisciplinary hospital during the initial period of spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) O. V. Mironenko, A. N. Marchenko, A. A. Tovanova, D. A. Obukhov, E. N. Zgurskaya
7 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Jun―28 Results of analysis of vaccination against COVID-19 in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes Yu. V. Nelaeva, A. A. Nelaeva, M. S. Arkhipova, Yu. P. Kogut, S. V. Platicina
8 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Jun―28 Prognostic value of SOFA, SAPS II scales and Hubei case fatality index in patients with COVID-19 (retrospective observational study) N. P. Shen, A. S. Minin, N. S. Nazarov, R. A. Biryukov, V. I. Osin, A. A. Massyorov, E. S. Khilkevich
9 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Jun―28 Effectiveness of medical care in cases of coronavirus «masks» of myocardial infarction G. G. Gromova, O. I. Shuvalova
10 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Feb―16 Diagnostic value of laboratory tests for predicting the severity of COVID-19 I. A. Matveev, T. A. Matveeva
11 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Feb―16 Dynamic changes in laboratory and instrumental indicators as a prognostic factor in COVID-19 V. A. Zhmurov, P. A. Ermakova, A. A. Ermakova, T. A. Mishchenko, D. V. Zhmurov
12 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Feb―16 COVID-19 associated pneumonia predictor of retinal occlusions (clinical observation) M. N. Ponomareva, S. V. Sakharova, A. A. Pushnikov, I. V. Fomina, E. N. Kalyuzhnaya, D. V. Yudashkin, A. A. Izmailova
13 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2022―Feb―16 The course of a new coronavirus infection in patients of working age (40-55 years) M. A. Parfenteva, O. A. Lyubimtseva, O. A. Rychkova, N. V. Ogoshkova, L. V. Khanipova, V. V. Nikulina, A. O. Fedorchuk
14 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Nov―04 Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of new coronavirus infection COVID-19 V. V. Ushakov, E. O. Girfanova, T. V. Zuevskaya, P. I. Pavlov, E. V. Sadrieva
15 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Jul―15 Some features of the course of arterial hypertension in patients undergoing a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) D. A. Elfimov, I. V. Elfimova, I. R. Khamitova, T. I. Kutergina
16 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Jul―15 Experience in the use of telerehabilitation after a COVID-19 infection at the polyclinic stage in Tyumen T. I. Kutergina, O. V. Andreeva, E. F. Turovinina, T. M. Kleshchevnikova
17 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Apr―15 Histopathological characteristics of multi-organ lesions in patients with COVID-19 A. A. Odilov, N. S. Tsimbalist, A. V. Volkov, I. I. Babichenko
18 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Apr―15 Features of ophthalmic diseases in COVID-19 infection M. N. Ponomareva, S. M. Klyashev, S. V. Sakharova, Yu. M. Klyasheva, D. A. Turlybekova, N. V. Novikova, et al. (+3)
19 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Feb―26 Ophthalmological changes in patients with COVID-19 associated pneumonia E. N. Kalyuzhnaya, M. N. Ponomareva, I. M. Petrov, A. G. Naymushina, L. I. Gapon, T. I. Petelina, E. I. Yaroslavskaya
20 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2021―Feb―26 Neurological disorders associated with Covid-19 (literature review) M. A. Ahmet’yanov, O. A. Kicherova, L. I. Reikhert, M. V. Deeva, D. A. Makarova
21 [GO] Medical Science And Education Of Ural 2020―Oct―27 The connection of the disease with a new coronavirus infection with the profession, medical and social examination and rehabilitation injured at work M. A. Sevastianov, I. A. Bozhkov, S. A. Bondarev, O. N. Vladimirova, A. V. Didelev, G. N. Ponomarenko

21 Results       Page 1


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