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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

9 Results       Page 1

Opast Group LLC: Journal of Applied Material Science & Engineering Research
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Theory (VGT #83): A Study of Influences on Consumer Price Index Resulted from Consumer Psychological Reactions and Consumption Behavior Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic 9-Quarters Period from Y2020Q1 to Y2022Q1 Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine, Especially the VGT Energy Tool (No. 673)
2 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #85): A Study on the Influences of Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Estimated Daily Average Glucose, and Body Weight from a Type 2 Diabetes Patient’s Psychological Reactions and Lifestyle Changes During 9-Quarters of the COVID-19 Pandemic Period from Y2020Q1 to Y2022Q1 Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine, Especially the VGT Energy Tool (No. 675)
3 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Theory (VGT #84): A Comparison Study of the Influences on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, and Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the USA Resulting from Consumer Psychological Reactions and Spending Behavior Changes over 9-Quarters During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period from Y2020Q1 to Y2022Q1 Based on GH-Method: MathPhysical Medicine, Especially the VGT Energy Tool (No. 674)
4 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Linear Regression Analysis Results of the CGM Sensor PPG Comparison Between Predicted PPG Data Using the Linear Elastic Glucose Theory (LEGT) and Measured PPG Data During a ~2-year COVID-19 Quarantine Period for a type 2 Diabetes Patient Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 540)
5 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Linear Regression Analysis Results of the CGM Sensor PPG Comparison Between Predicted PPG Data Using the Candlestick Model and the LEGT Model Against the Measured Sensor PPG Data During a 2-year COVID-19 Quarantine Period for a Type 2 Diabetes Patient Based on GH-Method: MathPhysical Medicine (No. 541)
6 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Applying Multiple Regression Analysis and Linear Elastic Glucose Theory to Analyze and Compare the Predicted Postprandial Plasma Glucose Using Carbs/Sugar Intake Amount and Post-Meal Walking Steps as Inputs over an Approximate 2-Year COVID-19 Quarantine Period from a type 2 Diabetes Patient Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 543)
7 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #82): An Investigation of Economics Markers Versus COVID Pandemic Markers During 9 Quarters from Y2020Q1 to Y2022Q1 Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine, Especially the VGT Energy Tool (No. 672)
8 [GO] 2022―Sep―21 Investigation of two glucose coefficients of GH.f-modulus and GH.p-modulus based on the data of three clinical cases during the COVID-19 period using linear elastic glucose theory of GH-Method: math-physical medicine, Part 8 (No. 360)
9 [GO] 2022―Sep―21 High Glucose Predication Accuracy of Postprandial Plasma Glucose and Fasting Plasma Glucose During the COVID-19 Period Using Two Glucose Coefficients of GH-Modulus from Linear Elastic Glucose Theory Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine, Part 7 (No. 359)

9 Results       Page 1


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