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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Buketov Karaganda State University

42 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2024―Mrz―31 From Lockdowns to Publications: The Evolution of COVID-19 Research in the Face of Travel Restrictions A.I. Samsayeva, F. Amagoh
2 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2024―Feb―28 Implementation of digital narratives to promote the productive skills of speaking in the case of the pandemic K.Sh. Shamadieva
3 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2024―Feb―21 Пандемия(COVID-19)сабақтары: халықтың құндылықтарының бағдарлануы өзгеруінің туризмнің маркетингтік даму стратегияларына әсері З.Н. Борбасова, С.Н. Улаков, Н.С. Улаков
4 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2024―Feb―21 The study of the biological age of university teachers in the period of urgent transition to distance education as a result of pandemic A.B. Myrzabayev, G.T. Tnimova, G.G. Sokolova, M.T. Bodeyev, Е. Kabdolla
5 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2024―Feb―21 The study of the biological age of university teachers in the period of urgent transition to distance education as a result of pandemic A.B. Myrzabayev, G.T. Tnimova, G.G. Sokolova, M.T. Bodeyev, Е. Kabdolla
6 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2024―Jan―24 Digital entrepreneurship as a result of the transformation of the labor market in a pandemic S.N. Suieubayeva, E.S. Nurekenova, M.U. Rakhimberdinova, V.N. Granetskiy
7 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Philology series 2024―Jan―15 Language convergence: linguistic aspect of COVID-19 М.А. Balabekova
8 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Jul―21 Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Industrial Production Level in Kazakhstan D.G. Mamrayeva
9 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Jul―21 Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Industrial Production Level in Kazakhstan D.G. Mamrayeva, O.V. Kalinina, L.V. Tashenova, A.L. Mukanov
10 [GO] Eurasian Journal of Chemistry 2023―Jun―30 Activity against SARS-CoV-2 of Various Anionic Disinfectants and Their Complexes with Hydrophobically Modified Chitosan Alexander S. Ospennikov, Galina V. Kornilaeva, Viktor F. Larichev, Irina T. Fedyakina, Lifeng Fu, Zhuo Chen, Yangyang Yang, Andrey V. Shibaev, Eduard V. Karamov, Ali S. Turgiev, Liping Duan, William J. Liu, Olga E. Philippova
11 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2023―Mai―30 Formation and tendencies of intercultural communication effectiveness in the period of COVID-19 S.S. Ayazbayeva, K.T. Tleuzhanova, A.K. Zhuman, M.D Yessekeshova, V.P. Tarantsei
12 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2023―Mai―30 The impact of force majeure situations (coronavirus) on the higher education A. Аmanova, Y. Sarmurzin, K. Kazhimova
13 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2023―Mai―29 Distance learning with COVID-19 A.O. Mukhametzhanova
14 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2023―Mai―29 Formation of professional competencies of EFL teachers in pandemic period B. Turlybekov, A. Yermekbayeva
15 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2023―Apr―20 Association of polymorphism rs12329760 of the TMPRSS2 gene with coronavirus infection Anar Kazbekovna Bisseneva, Gayane Pavlovna Pogossyan, Constantin Grigoryevich Li
16 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―07 Evaluation of financial consequences of closure or temporary conservation of hotels in various regions and cities most affected during the pandemic: cases of Geneva, Bali, and the Maldives A.B. Myrzhykbayeva
17 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―07 Evaluation of financial consequences of closure or temporary conservation of hotels in various regions and cities most affected during the pandemic: cases of Geneva, Bali, and the Maldives A.B. Myrzhykbayeva, A.T. Zhanseitov
18 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―06 Impact of COVID-19 on Kazakhstan’s economy Zh.B. Kenzhin
19 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―06 Impact of coronavirus crisis on the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Saparova
20 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―06 Impact of coronavirus crisis on the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Saparova, N. Kuttybaeva, A. Omarova, Y. Orynbassarova, Z. Shugaipova
21 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Feb―06 Impact of COVID-19 on Kazakhstan’s economy Zh.B. Kenzhin, M.B. Sultanova, A.A. Aidaralieva, G.S. Mukina, A.A. Eniola
22 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Jan―08 Tourism industry of Kazakhstan: current state, problems and prospects of development in the conditions of COVID-19 G.S. Akybayeva
23 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2023―Jan―08 Tourism industry of Kazakhstan: current state, problems and prospects of development in the conditions of COVID-19 G.S. Akybayeva, N.B. Khassenkhanov, B.H. Raimbekov, Zh.M. Zhartay, N.N. Gelashvili
24 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University "Chemistry" series 2022―Dez―02 Design and Synthesis of Vitamin Drug Conjugate for its Probable Potential Against SARS-COV-2 Infections R.P. Bhole, P.M. Karche, Y. Shinde, P.R. Kute, S.S. Gurav, R.D. Wavhale
25 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Okt―18 The effect of coronavirus on the body’s immune system (the literature review) Aruzhan Berikkyzy, Nurzhaniyat Tatukhanovna Ablaikhanova, Gulmira Ablaevna Tusupbekova, Latifa Seidakhmetova Kozhamzharova
26 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2022―Mai―11 Some issues of teaching physics in higher education in the context of a pandemic and ways to solve it Zh.M. Bitibayeva, E.V. Ponomarenko
27 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Apr―12 Опыт применения противовирусных препаратов в терапии конъюнктивита при COVID-19 Gabit Meyramov, Zhanat Muntinov, Vladimir Korchin, Fatima Abikenova, Asel Abrakhmetova, Miras Ospanov, Dias Omarov
28 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Apr―12 Analysis of the interaction of ACE2, TMPRSS2 genes and their polymorphisms with the SARS-CoV-2 virus Anar Kazbekovna Bisseneva, Gayane Pogossyan, Konstantin Li, Michael Danilenko
29 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Apr―12 Опыт применения противовирусных препаратов в терапии конъюнктивита при COVID-19 Г.Г. Мейрамов, Ж.Д. Мунтинов, В.И. Корчин, Ф.С. Абикенова, А.К. Абдрахметова, М.Т. Оспанов, Д.Н. Омаров
30 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Apr―12 Analysis of the interaction of ACE2, TMPRSS2 genes and their polymorphisms with the SARS-CoV-2 virus А.K. Bisseneva, G.P. Pogossyan, K.G. Li, M.P. Danilenko
31 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS 2022―Apr―09 A note on epidemiologic models: SIR modeling of the COVID-19 with variable coefficients Z. Cakir, A. Sendur
32 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University "Chemistry" series 2022―Apr―01 Isolation and in silico SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibition potential of chrysoeriol from Chondrilla brevirostris Fisch. & C.A. Mey. R.I. Jalmakhanbetova, Ye.M. Suleimen, N. Abe, M. Oyama, A.M. Metwaly, I.H. Eissa, M.Yu. Ishmuratova, Zh.A. Ibatayev
33 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Feb―02 Neurological symptoms and complications of COVID-19. Minireview Zeine Kulbayeva, Dmitriy Klyuyev, Sholpan Kaliyeva
34 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University “Biology medicine geography Series” 2022―Feb―02 Neurological symptoms and complications of COVID-19. Minireview Zeine Kulbayeva, Dmitriy Klyuyev, Sholpan Kaliyeva
35 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University "Chemistry" series 2021―Sep―27 Molecular docking identification of plant-derived inhibitors of the COVID-19 main protease S.S. Bhujbal, M. Kale, B. Chawale
36 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2021―Aug―12 Study of current trends in the labour market: changes caused by digital technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic S.N. Suieubayeva
37 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2021―Aug―12 Study of current trends in the labour market: changes caused by digital technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic S.N. Suieubayeva, E.S. Madiyarova, G.B. Pestunova
38 [GO] Bulletin of the Karaganda University Pedagogy series 2021―Aug―10 Challenges of ESP Education in Georgia during COVID1-19 Pandemic T. Dolidze
39 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS 2021―Jul―07 Transmission dynamics and control strategies of COVID-19: a modelling study U.T. Mustapha, E. Hincal, A. Yusuf, S. Qureshi, T. Sanlidag, S.M. Muhammad, B. Kaymakamzade, N. Gokbulut
40 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2021―Feb―01 Modeling and analysis of the mutual influence of the RUB / KZT and USD / KZT exchange rates: the period before the pandemic and as a result of the impact of COVID-19 E.A. Ruziyeva
41 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMY SERIES 2021―Feb―01 Modeling and analysis of the mutual influence of the RUB / KZT and USD / KZT exchange rates: the period before the pandemic and as a result of the impact of COVID-19 E.A. Ruziyeva, А.М. Nurgaliyeva, Z.K. Yessymkhanova, L.A. Chaykovskaya
42 [GO] BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS 2020―Nov―01 Basic reproduction number and effective reproduction number for North Cyprus for fighting Covid-19 Evren Hincal, Bilgen Kaymakamzade, Nezihal Gokbulut

42 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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