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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

93 Results       Page 1

Elsevier: Midwifery
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2025―Jan―27 Exploring women's postpartum experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-method analysis Catherine A. Maloney, Avery Trimm, Laura Miller-Graff
2 [GO] 2024―Dec―19 Patterns of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep across pregnancy before and during two COVID pandemic years Andrea C. Kozai, Melissa A. Jones, Jaclyn D. Borrowman, Alisse Hauspurg, Janet M. Catov, Christopher E. Kline, et al. (+2)
3 [GO] 2024―Dec―15 Changes to provision of childbirth education during COVID-19 and its implications for ongoing service delivery - An Australian Survey. Kate M. Levett, Jack McLean, Kerry L. Sutcliffe, Hazel Keedle
4 [GO] 2024―Oct―11 Women ‘s perception on the quality of maternal and newborn care during the COVID-19 pandemic in German-speaking countries: findings from the IMAgiNE EURO project comparing data from Germany, Switzerland and Austria Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Michael Gemperle, Ilaria Mariani, Alessia Abderhalden-Zellweger, Céline Miani, Christoph Zenzmaier, et al. (+10)
5 [GO] 2024―Oct―02 Midwives’ perceptions and experiences of recommending and delivering vaccinations to pregnant women following the Covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative study Dr Catherine Grimley, Professor Helen Atherton, Professor Debra Bick, Louise Clarke, Dr Sarah Hillman, Dr Jo Parsons
6 [GO] 2024―Aug―08 Meta-Synthesis of the Experiences of Midwives Providing Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jenna A. LoGiudice
7 [GO] 2024―Jul―29 The Dynamics of Intercultural Clinical Encounters in Times of Pandemic Crisis. Swedish Healthcare Providers’ Reflections on Social Norms in relation to Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Mia Appelbäck, Aje Carlbom, Lise Eriksson, Birgitta Essén
8 [GO] 2024―Jul―03 Response to “The experience of pregnant women and their families who were infected with covid-19 before vaccination: Comment”. Dr Rachel Soeiro
9 [GO] 2024―Jun―21 The experience of pregnant women and their families who were infected with covid-19 before vaccination: Comment Hineptch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
10 [GO] 2024―Jun―21 Rural-urban and racial differences in cesarean deliveries before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Carolina Cassie L. Odahowski, Peiyin Hung, Berry Campbell, Jihong Liu, Nansi S. Boghossian, Anirban Chatterjee, et al. (+4)
11 [GO] 2024―Apr―29 What factors influence the uptake of vaccinations amongst pregnant women following the Covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative study Dr Jo Parsons, Dr Cath Grimley, Professor Helen Atherton, Louise Clarke, Dr Sarah Hillman, Professor Debra Bick
13 [GO] 2024―Apr―23 Midwives’ experiences with PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Birth in the Time of COVID (BITTOC) study Emma C Collins, Virginia Schmied, Sue Kildea, Hazel Keedle, Melanie Jackson, Hannah G Dahlen
14 [GO] 2024―Apr―23 The impact of antenatal telehealth services on maternal and neonatal outcomes, a comparison of results before and during the Covıd-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis (The impact of telehealth services on maternal and neonatal outcomes) Döndü Kurnaz, Ayşe Şenoğlu, Zekiye Karaçam
15 [GO] 2024―Apr―09 The social and healthcare professional support drawn upon by women antenatally during the COVID-19 pandemic: A recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis Leanne JACKSON, Siân M. DAVIES, Monic GASPAR, Anastasija PODKUJKO, Joanne A. HARROLD, Leonardo DE PASCALIS, et al. (+3)
16 [GO] 2024―Feb―12 Experiences of Psychological Distress, Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, and Coping- strategies of Childbearing Women During COVID-19 Miriam S. Johnson, Nora Skjerdingstad, Omid V. Ebrahimi, Asle Hoffart, Sverre Urnes Johnson
17 [GO] 2024―Jan―03 Understanding how COVID-19 affected Black Pregnant Women Early in the Pandemic: A Cross-sectional survey April J Bell, Patience Afulani, Sarah Compton, Sarah Barringer, Elizabeth Kaselitz, Maria Muzik, Cheryl A Moyer
18 [GO] 2023―Nov―20 The impact of maternity service restrictions related to Covid-19 on women's experiences of giving birth in England: A qualitative study Lucy C Irvine, Georgia Chisnall, Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
19 [GO] 2023―Nov―19 A qualitative analysis of gestational surrogates’ healthcare experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic Samantha Yee, Emma A. Lindsay, Tali L. Laszlo, Jacob L. Fine, Leia Swanberg, Clifford L. Librach
20 [GO] 2023―Oct―30 Midwifery students’ experiences of their clinical internship placement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study Barbara Lloyd, Carmel Bradshaw, Jan McCarthy, Dr Sylvia Murphy Tighe, Dr Maria Noonan, Dr Sandra Atkinson
21 [GO] 2023―Oct―17 “We Need to be Heard. We Need to be Seen”: A Thematic Analysis of Black Maternal Experiences of Birthing and Postnatal Care in England within the context of Covid-19 Candice Williams, Rachel McKail, Rukhsana Arshad
22 [GO] 2023―Aug―10 A structural equation model analysis of the relationship between expectant fathers' fear of COVID-19 and their fear of childbirth: The mediating role of maternal fear of childbirth Forough Mortazavi, Roya Nikbakht, Maryam Mehrabadi, Zohreh Shahhosseini
23 [GO] 2023―Jun―11 Association of continuity of carer and women's experiences of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey Allison Cummins, Annabel Sheehy, Jan Taylor, Sally DeVitry-Smith, Helen Nightingale, Professor Deborah Davis
24 [GO] 2023―May―31 Health anxiety, death anxiety and coronaphobia: Predictors of postpartum depression symptomatology during the COVID-19 pandemic Ana-Maria Andrei, Rebecca Webb, Violeta Enea
25 [GO] 2023―May―09 Barriers and facilitators to the provision of maternal health services at community health centers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of midwives in Indonesia Herwansyah Herwansyah, Katarzyna Czabanowska, Peter Schröder-Bäck, Stavroula Kalaitzi
26 [GO] 2023―May―07 Prayer and meditation practises in the early COVID-19 pandemic: A nationwide survey among Danish pregnant women. The COVIDpregDK study Christina Prinds, Niels Christian Hvidt, Katja Schrøder, Lonny Stokholm, Katrine Hass Rubin, Ellen A Nohr, et al. (+3)
27 [GO] 2023―May―01 Perinatal mental health and women's lived experience of the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of the qualitative literature 2020-2021 Ying Jin, Linda Murray
28 [GO] 2023―Apr―19 “Fear and anxiety is what I recall the best.": A phenomenological examination of mothers’ pregnancy experiences during COVID-19 in the United States Tuyen Huynh, Courtney Boise, Michaela Elizabeth Kihntopf, Abbie Ann Schaefer, Morgan Schafer
29 [GO] 2023―Mar―25 Childbirth experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative thematic analysis María Consuelo Cruz-Ramos, Davinia María Resurrección, Yolanda Hernández-Albújar
30 [GO] 2023―Mar―18 Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Longitudinal Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emily P. Rabinowitz, Lindsay A. Kutash, Alexis L. Richeson, MacKenzie A. Sayer, Marielle R. Samii, Douglas L. Delahanty
31 [GO] 2023―Feb―16 Anxiety, stress, and depression in Australian pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross sectional study D Davis, A Sheehy, H Nightingale, S de Vitry-Smith, J Taylor, A Cummins
32 [GO] 2023―Feb―12 The Impact of COVID-19 on Breastfeeding Rates: an international cross-sectional study Ana Ganho-Ávila, Raquel Guiomar, Mónica Sobral, Francisca Pacheco, Rafael A. Caparros-Gonzalez, Carla Diaz-Louzao, et al. (+15)
33 [GO] 2023―Jan―14 Barrier measures implemented in French maternity hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey A. Rousseau, M. Dubel-Jam, C. Schantz, L. Gaucher
34 [GO] 2022―Dec―27 Personal Protective Equipment: Analysis of supply among midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru Natalia Valverde-Espinoza, John Barja-Ore, Mirian Solis Rojas, Margarita Pérez-Silva, Rocío Herrera-Málaga, Lizardo Huamán Angulo, Brenda Rodríguez López
35 [GO] 2022―Dec―24 Social support and mental health in maternity: effects of the COVID-19 pandemic ALONSO TITOS Tania, ARIAS-RAMOS Natalia, VALLE-BARRIO Verónica, MARQUÉS-SÁNCHEZ Pilar, GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ Rubén, LIÉBANA-PRESA Cristina
36 [GO] 2022―Dec―06 Psychological Profile and Mood Disturbance of Women who gave birth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania Melania Elena Pop-Tudose, Dana Maria Popescu-Spineni, Loredana Sabina Cornelia Manolescu, Mihaela Corina Radu, Felicia Claudia Iancu, Sebastian Mihai Armean
37 [GO] 2022―Nov―22 Postnatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on mothers’ postnatal sense of security and on mother-to-infant bonding Céline Schaming, Jaqueline Wendland
38 [GO] 2022―Nov―13 Trauma-informed Care for Perinatal Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Nurses and Midwives in Turkey Taghreed N. Salameh, Barbara Polivka, Becky Christian, İlknur Yeşilçinar
39 [GO] 2022―Oct―19 Exploring factors associated with complete mental health of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic Fabiana Monteiro, Daniela V. Fernandes, Raquel Pires, Helena Moreira, Claúdia Melo, Anabela Araújo-Pedrosa
40 [GO] 2022―Sep―21 Postnatal depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: The needs and experiences of New Zealand mothers and health care providers Amelia Ryan, Dr Carol Cornsweet Barber
41 [GO] 2022―Sep―09 Effects of Online Antenatal Education on Worries about Labour, Fear of Childbirth, Preparedness for Labour and Fear of COVID-19 during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single-Blind Randomised Controlled Study Elif Uludağ, Pınar Serçekuş, Okan VARDAR, Sevgi Özkan, Süleyman Erkan ALATAŞ
42 [GO] 2022―Aug―18 A Qualitative Study of Pregnant Women's Opinions on COVID-19 Vaccines in Turkey Elif Uludağ, Pınar Serçekuş, Dicle Filiz Yıldırım, Sevgi Özkan
43 [GO] 2022―Aug―17 Predictors and impact of women's breastfeeding self-efficacy and postnatal care in the context of a pandemic in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Linda Sweet, Amanda Muller, Lauren Kearney, Ruth Martis, Nicki Hartney, Kym Davey, et al. (+3)
44 [GO] 2022―Jul―22 ’Forgotten as first line providers’: The experiences of midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia, Canada Christina Memmott, Julia Smith, Alexander Korzuchowski, Heang-Lee Tan, Niki Oveisi, Kate Hawkins, Rosemary Morgan
46 [GO] 2022―Jun―01 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on midwifery-led service provision in the United Kingdom in 2020-21: findings of three national surveys Lia Brigante, Alessandra Morelli, Mervi Jokinen, Rachel Plachcinski, Rachel Rowe
47 [GO] 2022―Apr―28 “Stranger in a mask” midwives’ experiences of providing perinatal bereavement care to parents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: a qualitative descriptive study Ms. Annmarie Power, Ms. Sandra Atkinson, Dr. Maria Noonan
48 [GO] 2022―Apr―17 “Never let a good crisis go to waste”: Positives from disrupted maternity care in Australia during COVID-19 Dvora Kluwgant, Caroline Homer, Hannah Dahlen
49 [GO] 2022―Mar―21 Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey Tine S. Eri, Ellen Blix, Soo Downe, Carina Vedeler, Anne Britt Vika Nilsen
50 [GO] 2022―Mar―20 The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic Curfew on the Psychosocial Lives of Pregnant Women in Jordan Suhair Qudsieh, Ismaiel Abu Mahfouz, Hana Qudsieh, Lara Al Barbarawi, Fida Asali, Mohammad Al-Zubi, Ala’ Al Barbarawi
51 [GO] 2022―Mar―19 Exploring lived experiences of informal caregivers for pregnant women seeking scheduled antenatal care during the COVID-19 lockdown in China: A phenomenological study Yan Zuo, Bi-ru Luo, Ling-ning Wang, Bo-chao Cheng, Xiao-lin Hu
52 [GO] 2022―Mar―16 “It's always hard being a mom, but the pandemic has made everything harder”: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of perinatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic P. Kinser, N. Jallo, S. Moyer, M. Weinstock, D. Barrett, N. Mughal, et al. (+2)
53 [GO] 2022―Feb―26 Indonesian midwives’ perspectives on changes in the provision of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Alya Hazfiarini, Rana Islamiah Zahroh, Shahinoor Akter, Caroline S.E. Homer, Meghan A. Bohren
54 [GO] 2022―Feb―22 COVID-19-related stress in postpartum women from Argentina during the second wave in 2021: identification of impairing and protective factors Agustín R. Miranda, Mariela V. Cortez, Ana V. Scotta, Elio A. Soria
55 [GO] 2022―Feb―22 The effects of not having continuous companion support during labour on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic Yin Kwan Mok, Ka Wang Cheung, Weilan Wang, Raymond Hang Wun Li, Noel Wan Man Shek, Ernest Hung Yu Ng
56 [GO] 2021―Dec―24 The Importance of Community Midwives in Pakistan: Looking at Existing Evidence and their need during the COVID-19 Pandemic Deena Siddiqui, Tazeen Saeed Ali
57 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 A qualitative study of Turkish midwives’ experience of providing care to pregnant women infected with COVID-19 Büşra KÜÇÜKTÜRKMEN, Yasemin BASKAYA, Kevser ÖZDEMİR
58 [GO] 2021―Nov―11 Midwives’ perception of advantages of health care at a distance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland Michael Gemperle, Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Verena Klamroth-Marganska, Thomas Ballmer, Brigitte E. Gantschnig, Jessica Pehlke-Milde
59 [GO] 2021―Oct―07 Pandemic-related pregnancy stress among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain Jaqueline Garcia-Silva, Alfonso Caracuel, Alvaro Lozano-Ruiz, Fiona Alderdice, Marci Lobel, Oliver Perra, Rafael A. Caparros-Gonzalez
60 [GO] 2021―Oct―01 A Swot Analysis of The Opinions of Midwifery Students About Distance Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic a Qualitative Study Şenay TOPUZ, Neslihan YILMAZ SEZER, Menekşe Nazlı AKER, İlknur Münevver GÖNENÇ, Hatice ÖNER CENGİZ, Aslı ER KORUCU
61 [GO] 2021―Oct―01 Changes in Social Support of Pregnant and Postnatal Mothers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Judy Zhou, Kathryn L. Havens, Catherine P. Starnes, Trevor A. Pickering, Natalie H. Brito, Cassandra L. Hendrix, et al. (+3)
62 [GO] 2021―Aug―25 Relationship between coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy and maternal and fetal outcomes: retrospective analytical cohort study Zahra Alipour, Parisa Samadi, Narges Eskandari, Maryam Ghaedrahmati, Mostafa Vahedian, Zohre Khalajinia, Mastani J. Ali
63 [GO] 2021―Aug―05 Women's experiences of maternity service reconfiguration during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative investigation. Sergio A. Silverio, Kaat De Backer, Abigail Easter, Peter von Dadelszen, Laura A. Magee, Jane Sandall
64 [GO] 2021―Jul―14 Women's views and experiences of maternity care during COVID-19 in Ireland: A qualitative descriptive study Sunita Panda, Deirdre O'Malley, Paula Barry, Nora Vallejo, Valerie Smith
65 [GO] 2021―Jun―24 Triggering of postpartum depression and insomnia with cognitive impairment in Argentinian women during the pandemic COVID-19 social isolation in relation to reproductive and health factors Agustín R. Miranda, Ana V. Scotta, Mariela V. Cortez, Elio A. Soria
66 [GO] 2021―Jun―18 “Anxious and traumatised”: users’ experiences of maternity care in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic Julia Sanders, Rebecca Blaylock
67 [GO] 2021―Jun―11 Maternal vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic:A qualitative interview study with UK pregnant women Amberly Brigden, Anna Davies, Emily Shepherd, Jenny Ingram
68 [GO] 2021―Jun―05 The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on women's pregnancy and postpartum experience in England: A qualitative exploration Victoria Riley, Naomi Ellis, Lorna Mackay, Jennifer Taylor
69 [GO] 2021―May―28 Exploring the STEP-uP to practice: a survey of UK Lead Midwives for Education views of the STudent midwife Extended Practice Placement during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Alison Cooke, Angela Hancock, Helen White, Nicky Clark, Fiona Gibb, Jenny McNeill, et al. (+3)
70 [GO] 2021―Mar―21 Becoming a mother in the ‘new’ social world in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Linda Sweet, Zoe Bradfield, Vidanka Vasilevski, Karen Wynter, Yvonne Hauck, Lesley Kuliukas, et al. (+3)
71 [GO] 2021―Mar―18 The impact of COVID-19 on prenatal care in the United States: Qualitative analysis from a survey of 2519 pregnant women Sarah Javaid, Sarah Barringer, Sarah D Compton, Elizabeth Kaselitz, Maria Muzik, Cheryl A. Moyer
72 [GO] 2021―Feb―09 Pandemic-Related Pregnancy Stress Assessment - Psychometric Properties of the Polish PREPS and its Relationship with Childbirth Fear Michalina Ilska, Anna Kołodziej-Zaleska, Anna Brandt-Salmeri, Heidi Preis, Marci Lobel
73 [GO] 2021―Jan―27 Corrigendum to “Pregnancy and birth planning during COVID-19: The effects of tele-education offered to pregnant women on prenatal distress and pregnancy-related anxiety” [Midwifery 92 (2021) /102877] Yeşim AKSOY DERYA, Sümeyye ALTIPARMAK, Emine AKÇA, Nilay GÖKBULUT, Ayşe Nur YILMAZ
74 [GO] 2021―Jan―22 Establishing information needs and research priorities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the local maternity setting Kerry Evans, Helen Janiszewski, Dr. Catrin Evans, Professor Helen Spiby
75 [GO] 2021―Jan―22 Variations in health behaviors among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic Kara M. Whitaker, Peiyin Hung, Anthony J. Alberg, Nicole L. Hair, Jihong Liu
76 [GO] 2020―Dec―26 Adaptation of independent midwives to the COVID-19 pandemic: a national descriptive survey Sophie Baumann, Laurent Gaucher, Yann Bourgueil, Olivier Saint-Lary, Sylvain Gautier, Anne Rousseau
77 [GO] 2020―Dec―26 Restructuring maternal services during the Covid-19 pandemic: early results of a scoping review for non-infected women Caterina Montagnoli, Giovanni Zanconato, Stefania Ruggeri, Giulia Cinelli, Alberto Eugenio Tozzi
78 [GO] 2020―Dec―26 Sustaining quality education and practice learning in a pandemic and beyond ‘I have never learnt as much in my life, as quickly, ever’ Mary J Renfrew, Gwendolen Bradshaw, Alicia Burnett, Anna Byrom, Francesca Entwistle, Kay King, et al. (+2)
79 [GO] 2020―Dec―19 Mental Health & Parental Concerns during COVID-19: The Experiences of New Mothers Amidst Social Isolation Rachel Ollivier, Dr. Megan Aston, Dr. Sheri Price, Dr. Meaghan Sim, Dr. Britney Benoit, Dr. Phillip Joy, et al. (+2)
80 [GO] 2020―Oct―31 Pregnancy and Birth Planning During COVID-19: The Effects of Tele-Education Offered to Pregnant Women on Prenatal Distress and Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Yeşim AKSOY DERYA, Sümeyye ALTIPARMAK, Emine AKÇA, Nilay GÖKBULUT, Ayşe Nur YILMAZ
81 [GO] 2020―Oct―30 Midwifery and Nursing Strategies to protect against COVID-19 During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Juan Liu, Yuming Cao, Cheng Xu, Chunhua Zhou, Wei Wei, Jing Yuan, et al. (+3)
82 [GO] 2020―Oct―28 Maternal and Child Healthcare in India during COVID-19 Pandemic Pintu Paul, Dinabandhu Mondal
83 [GO] 2020―Aug―20 Lessons from past epidemics and pandemics and a way forward for pregnant women, midwives and nurses during COVID-19 and beyond: A meta-synthesis Shefaly SHOREY, Valerie CHAN
84 [GO] 2020―Jun―10 The impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on maternity care in Europe Kirstie Coxon, Cristina Fernandez Turienzo, Liselotte Kweekel, Bahareh Goodarzi, Lia Brigante, Agnes Simon, Miriam Morlans Lanau
85 [GO] 2020―Jun―08 Navigating maternity service redesign in a global pandemic: a report from the field Dr Elizabeth Bailey, Miss Samantha Nightingale
86 [GO] 2020―Jun―07 Maternal postnatal health during the COVID-19 pandemic: vigilance is needed Debra Bick, Helen Cheyne, Yan-Shing Chang, Joanne Fisher
87 [GO] 2020―Jun―01 The impact of covid-19 on midwives’ practice in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: A reflective account Eunice Pallangyo, Mary Grace Nakate, Rose Maina, Valerie Fleming
88 [GO] 2020―Jun―01 Midwifery education in COVID-19- time: Challenges and opportunities Ans Luyben, Valerie Fleming, Joeri Vermeulen
89 [GO] 2020―May―25 Sustaining quality midwifery care in a pandemic and beyond Mary J Renfrew, Helen Cheyne, Justine Craig, Elizabeth Duff, Fiona Dykes, Billie Hunter, et al. (+5)
90 [GO] 2020―May―19 The maternity response to COVID-19: an example from one maternity unit in Taiwan Shu-Chen Liao, Yan-Shing Chang, Li-Yin Chien
91 [GO] 2020―May―03 COVID-19: 2020 is the International Year of the Midwife Debra Bick
92 [GO] 2020―Apr―30 2020 International Year of Midwifery-In the Midst of a Pandemic Marie Furuta, Marie Furuta
93 [GO] 2020―Apr―28 COVID-19. The new normal for midwives, women and families Gill Walton

93 Results       Page 1


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