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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

72 Results       Page 1

SAGE Publications: Nursing Ethics
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Aug―23 COVID-19 guidelines and media influenced ethical care in nursing homes Caroline Wachtler, Monica Bergqvist, Pia Bastholm-Rahmner, Lars L Gustafsson, Katharina Schmidt-Mende
2 [GO] 2024―Jul―23 Educational approach for public health ethics in nursing: Focusing on COVID-19 Hye Min Byun, Eun Kyoung Yun, Jung Ok Kim
3 [GO] 2024―Jun―10 Health care workers’ qualitative descriptions of ethically challenging situations evoking moral distress during Covid-19 Kristin Alve Glad, Hilde Wøien, Synne Øien Stensland, Solveig Klebo Reitan, John Anker Henrik Zwart, Dan Atar, et al. (+2)
4 [GO] 2024―Jun―06 Ethical challenges in residential care facilities during COVID-19: Leaders’ perspective Anna-Carin Karlsson, Anna-Karin Edberg, Malin Sundström, Annica Backman
5 [GO] 2024―Jun―05 COVID-19 and nurses’ ethical issues: Comparisons between two European countries Gerli Usberg, Marco Clari, Alessio Conti, Mariliis Põld, Ruth Kalda, Mari Kangasniemi
6 [GO] 2024―Jun―05 Work engagement among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Ana Luiza Ferreira Aydogdu
7 [GO] 2024―Feb―14 Ethical challenges during critical phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interpretive synthesis Ignacio Macpherson, María V Roqué, Luis Echarte, Ignacio Segarra
8 [GO] 2024―Feb―06 Stretching oneself too thin and facing ethical challenges: Healthcare professionals’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic Margrethe Aase Schaufel, Elisabeth Schanche, Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Ingrid Miljeteig
9 [GO] 2024―Feb―06 Nurses’ priority-setting for older nursing home residents during COVID-19 My Eklund Saksberg, Therése Bielsten, Suzanne Cahill, Tiny Jaarsma, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund, Lars Sandman, Pier Jaarsma
10 [GO] 2023―Dec―20 Moral distress among critical care nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Fatemeh Beheshtaeen, Camellia Torabizadeh, Sahar Khaki, Narjes abshorshori, Fatemeh Vizeshfar
11 [GO] 2023―Nov―24 Ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic Monika Koskinen, Yvonne Hilli, Tuulikki Keskitalo, Merle Talvik, Ann-Helen Sandvik, Kari Marie Thorkildsen, et al. (+3)
12 [GO] 2023―Oct―04 Ethical issues experienced by nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: Systematic review Younjae Oh, Chris Gastmans
13 [GO] 2023―Aug―19 Two cases of nursing older nursing home residents during COVID-19 Pier Jaarsma, Petra Gelhaus, My Eklund Saksberg
14 [GO] 2023―Jul―10 Ethical Challenges to the Self-care of Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic Arpi Manookian, Nahid Dehghan Nayeri, Seemin Dashti, Mehraban Shahmari
15 [GO] 2023―Jul―07 Pandemic ethics and beyond: Creating space for virtues in the social professions Sarah Banks
16 [GO] 2023―Jun―09 Moral failure, moral prudence, and character challenges in residential care during the Covid-19 pandemic Settimio Monteverde
17 [GO] 2023―May―10 Post COVID-19 workplace ostracism and counterproductive behaviors: Moral leadership Nadia Hassan Ali Awad, Boshra Karem Mohamed El Sayed
18 [GO] 2023―Mar―29 Healthcare students’ moral concerns and distress during the pandemic Tiziana ML Sala Defilippis, Annia Prati, Luca Scascighini
19 [GO] 2023―Mar―27 Ethics and frontline nursing during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis Dónal O’Mathúna, Julia Smith, Inga M Zadvinskis, Cheryl Monturo, Marjorie M Kelley, Sharon Tucker, et al. (+4)
20 [GO] 2023―Mar―17 Compassion fatigue and moral sensitivity in midwives in COVID-19 Reyhan Aydin Dogan, Sebahat Huseyinoglu, Saadet Yazici
21 [GO] 2023―Mar―08 Moral courage of master’s students of nursing during COVID-19 Mingtao Huang, Wenhong Dong, Qianqian Zhao, Nan Mo
22 [GO] 2023―Feb―02 Supporting ethical end-of-life care during pandemic: Palliative care team perspectives Enrico De Luca, Barbara Sena, Silvia Cataldi
23 [GO] 2023―Jan―27 Nurses' professional commitment in COVID-19 crisis: A qualitative study Maryam Momeni, Marzieh Khatooni
24 [GO] 2022―Oct―26 Nurses’ role model duties for health and COVID-19 pandemic precautions Paul Neiman
25 [GO] 2022―Oct―19 Double distress: women healthcare providers and moral distress during COVID-19 Julia Smith, Alexander Korzuchowski, Christina Memmott, Niki Oveisi, Heang-Lee Tan, Rosemary Morgan
26 [GO] 2022―Oct―17 Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic Hillestad AH, Rokstad AMM, Tretteteig S, Julnes SG, Lichtwarck B, Eriksen S
27 [GO] 2022―Sep―03 Care leaders safeguarding the rights of care home residents during COVID-19: Moral failures offering moral lessons Ann Gallagher, Margot Whittaker, Geoffrey Cox, George Coxon, Chris Frankland, Patrick Coniam, Enrico De Luca
28 [GO] 2022―Aug―11 Who is essential in care? Reflections from the pandemic’s backstage Settimio Monteverde
29 [GO] 2022―Jul―08 Ethical challenges experienced by care home staff during COVID-19 pandemic Helen YL Chan, Ya-Yi Zhao, Li Liu, Yuen-Yu Chong, Ho-Yu Cheng, Wai-Tong Chien
30 [GO] 2022―Jun―27 Threats to the dignity of COVID-19 patients: A qualititative study Farideh Namadi, Leyla Alilu, Masumeh Hemmati Maslakpak, Shima Yadegar Tirandaz
31 [GO] 2022―Jun―20 Crisis, ethical leadership and moral courage: Ethical climate during COVID-19 Nadia Hassan Ali Awad, Heba Mohamed Al-anwer Ashour
32 [GO] 2022―May―18 Spontaneous ethics in nurses’ willingness to work during a pandemic Anna Slettmyr, Anna Schandl, Susanne Andermo, Maria Arman
33 [GO] 2022―Mar―17 Solidarity and collectivism in the context of COVID-19 Angela V Flynn
34 [GO] 2022―Mar―03 Older patients’ perspectives on illness and healthcare during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic Nina Jøranson, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Hilde Lausund, Grete Breievne, Vigdis Bruun-Olsen, Kristi Elisabeth Heiberg, et al. (+2)
35 [GO] 2022―Mar―03 Nurses as the leading fighters during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-transcendence Mesiya Aydın, İlknur Aydın Avci, Özen Kulakaç
36 [GO] 2022―Mar―02 COVID-19-related anxieties: Impact on duty to care among nurses Cathaleen A Ley, Christian M Cintron, Karen L McCamant, Mitchell B Karpman, Barry R Meisenberg
37 [GO] 2022―Feb―25 Factors influencing public health nurses’ ethical sensitivity during the pandemic Hyeji Seo, Kisook Kim
38 [GO] 2022―Feb―10 The duty to care and nurses' well-being during a pandemic C Amparo Muñoz-Rubilar, Carolina Pezoa Carrillos, Ingunn Pernille Mundal, Carlos De Las Cuevas, Mariela Loreto Lara-Cabrera
39 [GO] 2022―Feb―09 Experiences of critical care nurses during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic Dorothy James Moore, Denise Dawkins, Michelle DeCoux Hampton, Susan McNiesh
40 [GO] 2022―Jan―27 Ethical conflict among critical care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Anjita Khanal, Sara Franco-Correia, Maria-Pilar Mosteiro-Diaz
41 [GO] 2022―Jan―27 Nurses’ experiences of ethical responsibilities of care during the COVID-19 pandemic Elizabeth Peter, Shan Mohammed, Tieghan Killackey, Jane MacIver, Caroline Variath
42 [GO] 2021―Dec―06 A critical incident study of ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Ann Rhéaume, Myriam Breau, Stéphanie Boudreau
43 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Virtuous nurses and the COVID-19 vaccine Michael Igoumenidis, Riitta Suhonen
44 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Effect of ethical nurse leaders on subordinates during pandemics Jinyi Zhou, Ke-fu Zhang
45 [GO] 2021―Sep―07 Ethical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives of nursing students Domingo Palacios-Ceña, Juan Francisco Velarde-García, Marta Mas Espejo, Raquel González-Hervías, Beatriz Álvarez-Embarba, Marta Rodríguez-García, et al. (+5)
46 [GO] 2021―Aug―31 Towards ethical preparedness: Regulators’ responses to ethical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic Deborah Bowman, Richard Huxtable, Mohammad Razai, Ann Gallagher
47 [GO] 2021―Aug―31 The role of nurses' professional values during the COVID-19 crisis David González-Pando, Covadonga González-Nuevo, Ana González-Menéndez, Fernando Alonso-Pérez, Marcelino Cuesta
48 [GO] 2021―Jul―13 Ethical dilemmas faced by frontline support nurses fighting COVID-19 Xinyi Liu, Yingying Xu, Yuanyuan Chen, Chen chen, Qiwei Wu, Huiwen Xu, et al. (+2)
49 [GO] 2021―Jul―13 Workplace challenges and nurses recovered from COVID-19 Farshad Mohammadi, Moloud Radfar, Masumeh Hemmati Maslak Pak
50 [GO] 2021―Jun―08 Cyberbullying, student nurses’ ethical awareness and the Covid-19 pandemic Ka Young Kim, Jeong Sil Choi
51 [GO] 2021―May―20 A qualitative examination of graduating nurses’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic Rachelle J Lancaster, Catherine Schmitt, Melanie Debish
52 [GO] 2021―May―13 Visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ethical case study Irene Hartigan, Ann Kelleher, Joan McCarthy, Nicola Cornally
53 [GO] 2021―May―04 Nurses’ challenges, concerns and unfair requirements during the COVID-19 outbreak Daniel Sperling
54 [GO] 2021―Apr―29 Moral distress in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19 Henry J Silverman, Raya Elfadel Kheirbek, Gyasi Moscou-Jackson, Jenni Day
55 [GO] 2021―Apr―29 The effect of Covid-19 on ethical sensitivity Selda Mert, Aylin Aydin Sayilan, Ayfer Peker Karatoprak, Canan Baydemir
56 [GO] 2021―Apr―19 Corrigendum to “Ethical challenges and nursing recruitment during COVID-19
57 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Duty versus distributive justice during the COVID-19 pandemic Sheila Shaibu, Rachel Wangari Kimani, Constance Shumba, Rose Maina, Eunice Ndirangu, Isabel Kambo
58 [GO] 2021―Feb―13 Ethical challenges and nursing recruitment during COVID-19 Alessandro Stievano, Mukul Bakhshi, Franklin A Shaffer, Duncan Hamilton
59 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 Social Justice in Pandemic Immunization Policy: We’re all in this together Carmen Torrie, Sharon Yanicki, Monique Sedgwick, Lisa Howard
60 [GO] 2021―Jan―21 Covid-19, ethical nursing management and codes of conduct: An analysis Roger Newham, Alistair Hewison
61 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 COVID-19 era healthcare ethics education: Cultivating educational and moral resilience Hedy S Wald, Settimio Monteverde
62 [GO] 2021―Jan―15 Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway Ingrid Miljeteig, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Elisabeth Schanche, Margrethe Schaufel, Kristine Husøy Onarheim
63 [GO] 2020―Dec―16 Ethical care during COVID-19 for care home residents with dementia Emily Cousins, Kay de Vries, Karen Harrison Dening
64 [GO] 2020―Oct―30 Self-care strategies in response to nurses’ moral injury during COVID-19 pandemic Fahmida Hossain, Ariel Clatty
65 [GO] 2020―Oct―05 The needs of people with intellectual disabilities and autism during the pandemic: Making the invisible visible George Matuska, Ann Gallagher
66 [GO] 2020―Oct―01 Ethical dilemmas, perceived risk, and motivation among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic Daniel Sperling
67 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Nurses’ ethical challenges caring for people with COVID-19: A qualitative study Yuxiu Jia, Ou Chen, Zhiying Xiao, Juan Xiao, Junping Bian, Hongying Jia
68 [GO] 2020―Jul―24 COVID-19-related deaths in long-term care: The moral failure to care and prepare Somayeh Faghanipour, Settimio Monteverde, Elizabeth Peter
69 [GO] 2020―Jul―14 Healthcare workers’ stress when caring for COVID-19 patients: An altruistic perspective Hui Wang, Yu Liu, Kaili Hu, Meng Zhang, Meichen Du, Haishan Huang, Xiao Yue
70 [GO] 2020―Jun―04 Media representations of nurses in the pandemic: Just doing our job? Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Ann Gallagher, Georgina Morley
71 [GO] 2020―Apr―17 Which are overriding during a pandemic: Professional healthcare duties or personal interests? Helen Yue-lai Chan
72 [GO] 2020―Mar―27 Student nurses’ ethical views on responses to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak Joseph KM Kam, Eric Chan, Albert Lee, Vivian WI Wei, Kin On Kwok, Dominic Lui, Robert KN Yuen

72 Results       Page 1


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