original article |
Date |
Title |
Authors All Authors |
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[GO] |
2024―Jul―07 |
Pandemic performance portals |
Laura Bissell, Sally Charlton, Sinéad Hargan, Althea Young |
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[GO] |
2023―Jul―03 |
Shared uncertainties: mapping digital teaching artistry in youth performing arts during COVID-19 |
Bryoni Trezise, Nitin Vengurlekar, Malcolm Whittaker |
3 |
[GO] |
2023―Jan―05 |
Making invisible care visible. Ethics and aesthetics of care in participatory arts practices in times of COVID-19 |
L. de Kock, B. C. Groot, J. Lindenberg, G. Struiksma, T. A. Abma |
4 |
[GO] |
2022―Jul―25 |
How COVID-19 & UK government policy shaped the new world of applied theatre in British care homes |
Georgia Grace Bowers |
5 |
[GO] |
2022―Jul―05 |
Introduction - performing in digital in the COVID-19 era |
Barry Houlihan, Catherine Morris |
6 |
[GO] |
2022―Mar―17 |
‘Sanitise your hands with rainbows!’ Encouraging self-representation in times of crisis: inclusive reflections on Covid-19, together with women with learning disabilities from East London |
Florian J. Seubert |
7 |
[GO] |
2021―Nov―02 |
Theatre on social media in post covid-19 Nigeria: Segun Adefila’s Corona Palava as a virtual performance |
Tekena Gasper Mark, Philip Smith |
8 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―14 |
Response to COVID-19 ‘Now i send you the rays of the sun’: a drama project to rebuild post-COVID-19 resilience for teachers and children in Hong Kong |
Po-Chi Tam |
9 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―10 |
Response to COVID-19 Zooming in on online process drama |
Adam Cziboly, Adam Bethlenfalvy |
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[GO] |
2020―Sep―09 |
Response to COVID-19 - losing and finding one another in drama: personal geographies, digital spaces and new intimacies |
Kathleen Gallagher, Christine Balt, Nancy Cardwell, Brooke Charlebois |