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Authors All Authors |
1 |
[GO] |
2025―Jan―25 |
The relationship between violence at work, anxiety and depression in nursing workers during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Ana Paula Nogueira de Magalhães, Diego de Oliveira Souza, Sónia Mafalda Pereira Ribeiro |
2 |
[GO] |
2024―Dec―28 |
Depressive symptomatology in workers with subsistence jobs in the context of pandemic, according to working and extra-working conditions, Medellín-Colombia 2021 |
María Osley Garzón-Duque, Fabio Leon Rodriguez-Ospina, Estefania Uribe Vallejo, Carolina Jerez Vélez, Tatiana Elizabeth Reina-Jojoa, Jennifer Alejandra Giraldo Ciro, Marcela Vargas Gómez |
3 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―11 |
Mitigating burnout and suicidal ideation in Brazilian healthcare taskforce: workplace support's role during COVID-19 |
Carolina Meira Moser, Bárbara Tietbohl Santos, Ana Margareth Siqueira Bassols, Pricilla Braga Laskoski, Simone Hauck |
4 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―11 |
Health-related quality of life, fear of COVID-19 and work activity among informal workers in Bogota, Colombia |
Jaime Moreno-Chaparro, Olga Beatriz Guzmán-Suárez, Mónica Bermúdez-Lugo |
5 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―11 |
Experiences of residents of the San Ignacio University Hospital in Bogotá DC, Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study |
Valentina Lugo-Mesa, Carlos Jose Villota, Maria Paz Andrade, José Antonio Garciandía, Francisco Palencia-Sánchez, Yazmin Cadena-Camargo |
6 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―11 |
Working conditions of intensive care unit nurses and quality of care during the pandemic: a qualitative study |
John Camilo Garcia, Yuliana Cardenas, Isabela García, Susana Vallejo, Anibal Arteaga |
7 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―10 |
Deaths from COVID-19 in workers hospitalized at Ronaldo Gazolla Municipal Hospital from the perspective of work precariousness |
Ana Beatriz dos Santos Domingos, Leonardo do Vale Carvalho Chaves, Aline Silva da Costa, Lúcia Rotenberg |
8 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―10 |
The worsening of low back pain in teachers during the pandemic is multicausal and not only due to social environment and working conditions |
Josef Finsterer |
9 |
[GO] |
2024―Oct―09 |
Working and health conditions in teleworkers in mandatory social isolation due to COVID-19: exploratory survey in Lima and Callao |
Kevin Jesus Mayma-Aguirre, Miguel Angel Burgos-Flores, Iselle Lynn Sabastizagal-Vela, Jonh Maximiliano Astete-Cornejo |
10 |
[GO] |
2024―Jul―20 |
The impact of workplace violence on the mental health of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Larissa Harada, Renata de Melo Branco, Thamires Ferreira Barbosa, Dinarte Balleste, Maria Tavares Cavalcanti, Andrea Tenorio Correia da Silva |
11 |
[GO] |
2024―Jun―11 |
Food insecurity, habits and working conditions in subsistence workers during COVID-19 isolation. Medellín-Colombia, 2021 |
María Osley Garzón-Duque, Fabio Leon Rodriguez-Ospina, Sara Toro Tobón, Elsa María Vasquez-Trespalacios, Valentina Martinez Naranjo |
12 |
[GO] |
2024―Mar―01 |
Mental suffering among public and private assistance professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Giovanna Costa Guimarães, Gabrielle Silva Pereira, Helen Cristina Neves Trindade Rodrigues dos Santos, Elaine Cristine da Conceição Vianna, Thaís Alencar Linhares Peixoto, João Silvestre Silva-Junior, Cristiane Helena Gallasch |
13 |
[GO] |
2024―Mar―01 |
Basic education teachers post-COVID-19 pandemic: prevalence of disease symptoms and association with health habits and behaviors |
Thalita Cardoso Souza, Claudiana Donato Bauman, Rose Elizabeth Cabral Barbosa, Rosângela Ramos Veloso Silva, Desirée Sant'Ana Haikal, Nayra Suze Souza-e-Silva |
14 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―13 |
Quality of professional life of intensive care unit workers during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Letícia Menezes de Oliveira, Selene Cordeiro Vasconcelos, Fernando Lannes Fernandes, Ana Lúcia Belarmino de Araújo, Gesualdo Gonçalves de Abrantes, Ana Karina Bezerra Pinheiro |
15 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―13 |
Quality of professional life of intensive care unit workers during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Regina Claudia da Silva Souza, Mariana Davies Ribeiro Bersaneti, Ana Lúcia Siqueira Costa Calache |
16 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―15 |
Analysis of working and health conditions in street vendors of Bogotá, Colombia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Jaime Moreno-Chaparro, Olga Beatriz Guzmán-Suárez, Mónica Bermúdez-Lugo, Johan Sebastian Muñoz-González, Laura Alejandra Sánchez-Avellaneda |
17 |
[GO] |
2023―Oct―26 |
Implementation of a monitoring and contact tracing program to manage COVID-19 by a multinational chemical company |
Daniel Astun Cirino, Henrique Ceretta Oliveira, Ariane Polidoro Dini, Marcia Bandini |
18 |
[GO] |
2023―Sep―25 |
Telemedicine minimum viable product for post-exposure prophylaxis to biological material in the COVID-19 pandemic |
Flávio Henrique de Holanda Lins, Tiago Pessoa Lima, Allan Rodrigo dos Santos Araujo, Suely Arruda Vidal, Maria Júlia Gonçalves de Mello |
19 |
[GO] |
2023―Jun―07 |
Impacts of COVID-19 on the oil and gas industry in Brazil |
Brenda do Amaral Almeida, Camila Henriques Nunes, Eliana Napoleão Cozendey-Silva, Marcelo Juvenal Vasco, Liliane Reis Teixeira |
20 |
[GO] |
2023―Jun―07 |
Occupational stress protection strategies of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic |
Paula de Souza Marinho, Luciana Valadão Vasconcelos Alves, Tiago Gomes Barroso Carvalho, Magda Guimarães de Araújo Faria |
21 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―18 |
The health of public transport drivers during COVID-19 |
Luis David Berrones-Sanz |
22 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―18 |
Telecommuting and COVID-19: how has the pandemic changed workers’ perception on physical and mental health? |
Omar Domínguez-Amorocho, Luz Mery Contreras-Ramos, María Fernanda Domínguez-Amorocho |
23 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―17 |
Cervicalgia in university teachers in home office in COVID-19 pandemic times |
Natália Quevedo Santos, Felipe Carneiro Mangrinelli, Daniel Vicentini Oliveira, Nelson Nunes Tenório-Júnior, Raiane Caroline Garcia, Priscila Santos Oliveira, et al. (+2) Vera Lúcia Kerber, Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini |
24 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―17 |
Prevalence of occupational stress in health professionals during a COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional study |
Kairo Silvestre Meneses Damasceno, Arthur Pinto Silva, Claudeone Vieira Santos, Janaina de Oliveira Castro, André da Silva dos-Santos, André Luiz Bispo Pereira, et al. (+2) Rodrigo Fernandes Weyll Pimentel, Magno Conceição das Merces |
25 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―17 |
Rural work and COVID-19: challenges and proposals for the prevention of damages |
Lorhany dos Santos Santana, Magno Conceição das Merces, Thais Regis Aranha-Rossi, Antonio Marcos Tosoli Gomes, Jeane Freitas de Oliveira, Paulo José Bastos Barbosa, et al. (+3) Amália Ivine Costa Santana, Marcio Costa de Souza, Anderson Reis de Sousa |
26 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―17 |
Fatigue and quality of life of health professionals in Primary Care during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alberto Sumiya, Carla Fabiana Tenani, Carlos Podalirio Almeida, Juliberta Alves Macêdo, Eloisa Pavesi, Rafael de Menezes Reis, et al. (+3) Julia Spengler, Fabiano Silva Locks Junior, Celita Salmaso Trelha |
27 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―14 |
Self-report of worse back pain among teachers at state schools in Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Maria Alice Moura Soares, João Matheus de Almeida Silva, Rosângela Ramos Veloso Silva, Desirée Sant'Ana Haikal, Rose Elizabeth Cabral Barbosa, Lucineia Pinho |
28 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―14 |
Relation between mental fatigue and burnout syndrome in home office during COVID-19 pandemic: an integrative review |
Gabriela P. Urrejola-Contreras |
29 |
[GO] |
2023―Feb―05 |
Challenge of Brazilians health researchers in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario |
Stephanie von Stein Cubas Warnavin, Rafael Zancan Mobile, Juliana Lucena Schussel |
30 |
[GO] |
2023―Jan―11 |
Qualitative perspectives of isolation experiences due to COVID-19 of a bioethicist's groups in training, with interdisciplinary healthcare activity. Medellín Colombia. September 2020 |
John Camilo Garcia Uribe, María Osley Garzón Duque, Mónica María Massaro Ceballos, Irma Del Carmen Canastero Montoya, Cristina Posada Giraldo, Carlos Alberto Gallo Orjuela, et al. (+3) María Margarita Villa García, María Isabel Erazo Dilson, Sol Beatriz Castro Arango |
31 |
[GO] |
2022―Sep―06 |
Workplace exercise in telework: implementation of distance postural health actions in times of pandemic |
Ana Carla de Freitas Caldas da Fonte, Vanessa Maria da Silva, Fabiola Lucchesi Rocha Carvalho, Graziella de Araujo Freitas |
32 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―09 |
Mortality among physicians: what has changed with COVID-19? |
Mírian Perpetua Palha Dias Parente |
33 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Psychosocial risks: main threats to health care workers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic |
Miguel Valencia-Contrera, Sandra Valenzuela-Suazo |
34 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Additional compensation for health care professionals in COVID-19 pandemic: an essay in the light of health law |
Dorival Fagundes Cotrim-Junior, Lucas Manoel da Silva Cabral, João Paulo Almeida Brito |
35 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
COVID-19 and its negative impact on the mental health of health professionals: an integrative literature review |
Tácia Gabriela Vilar dos Santos Andrade, Ana Beatriz da Silva Feitosa, Laiana de Souza Silva, Nylene Maria Rodrigues da Silva |
36 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Burnout syndrome in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review |
Vinicius S. T. Meira-Silva, Anna Cecilia T. N. Freire, Danielle P. Zinezzi, Fernanda C. R. Ribeiro, Georgia D. Coutinho, Isabela M. B. Lima, et al. (+7) Isabella C. Crispi, Juliana D. Porto, Laís G. P. Silva1, Luiz Henrique A. Miranda, Maria Giullia F. Zurita, Victor Hugo R. Belerique, Yasmin T. Bandoli |
37 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Factors associated with the death of healthcare workers due to COVID-19 in the state of Amapá, Brazil |
Arthur Arantes Cunha, Rodolfo Antonio Corona, João Silvestre Silva-Junior, Emerson Augusto Castilho-Martins |
38 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Home working at a public university due to the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and opportunities |
Aline Bicalho Matias, Isabela Saura Sartoreto Mallagoli |
39 |
[GO] |
2022―May―20 |
Preventive measures for health workers exposed to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) |
Jonh Astete-Cornejo, Miguel Burgos-Flores, Kevin Jesús Mayma-Aguirre |
40 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Characterization of military police officers of Alagoas affected by COVID-19 |
Vanessa Lôbo de Carvalho, Deivson Cavalcante Gomes de Oliveira, Marcelo Oliveira Silva, Joana Darc Gomes de Oliveira, Leandro Eugênio Ferreira da Silva |
41 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Assessment instrument of risk factors for exposure to SARS-CoV-2 among health care workers with suspected COVID-19 |
Marcia Cristina Bandini, Sérgio Roberto de Lucca, Priscila Bergamo Francisco, Patrícia Falabella Leme |
42 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
COVID-19 |
Rosylane Rocha |
43 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
COVID-19 among slaughterhouse workers: relationship between worker’s health and food safety |
Simone Domingues Garcia, Manoela de Carvalho, Mariângela Baltazar |
44 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Situational diagnosis of plans for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work in the hydrocarbon sector |
Miguel Angel Burgos-Flores, Kevin Jesús Mayma-Aguirre, Katherine Yauri-Condor, Luis Alberto Ormeño-Delgado, Jaime Rosales-Rimache |
45 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
COVID-19 distress affects healthcare and administrative workers equally at a tertiary hospital center in Brazil |
Ana Rita Dias Resende, Bianca Cavalca Dedini, Flávia Da Silva Domingos Santos, Giuliana Gisele Magalhães, Giovana Fiod Grela, Samuel Servinhani Fernandes, et al. (+3) Ana Carolina Gonçalves Olmos, Marilia Capuço Oliveira, Gerardo Maria Araújo-Filho |
46 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
The effects of the cognitive bias of unrealistic optimism in the adoption of preventive measures against COVID-19 in dentistry |
Allana Pivovar, Elder Semprebon, Nicole Nichele Perdoncini, Amanda Rossi Corelhano, Cassius Carvalho Torres-Pereira |
47 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Quality of life and associated factors on employees of a public university working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Igor Garcia Barreto, Ramayana e Silva Costa, Patrick Mac’Donald Farias Pires de-Oliveira, Aline Santiago Barbosa, Taise de Oliveira da-Silva |
48 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Work absences among hospital cleaning staff during the SARS CoV 2 (COVID-19) pandemic |
João Luiz Grandi, Cristiane de Oliveira Silva, Dulce Aparecida Barbosa |
49 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Increase in use of psychiatric sick leave during COVID-19 pandemic by healthcare workers in a municipality in Argentina |
Agustina María Marconi, Ursula Myers, Alfredo Mariano Retamar, Ivana Jazmin Freddi, Julieta Chiarelli, Rafael Zamora |
50 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Business support and effects derived from COVID-19: implications on labor productivity |
Erika Villavicencio-Ayub, Eliana Quiroz-González, Melissa García-Meraz, Erika Alejandra Santamaría-Plascencia |
51 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on sickness absenteeism among hospital workers |
Larissa Garcia de Paiva, Wendel Mombaque dos Santos, Graziele de Lima Dalmolin |
52 |
[GO] |
2022―May―19 |
Impact on health and well-being of working at home during the SARS CoV 2 pandemic |
Alberto José Niituma Ogata, Ana Maria Malik, Viviane Lourenço, Valena Savia, Ana Claudia Pinto, Yohana Rodrigues |
53 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Reflections on the health-work relation and exposure to COVID-19 |
Thaise Moreira da Silva, Manoela de Carvalho |
54 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of primary health care professionals in coping with COVID-19 in Brazil: a cross-sectional study |
Alberto Sumiya, Eloisa Pavesi, Carla Fabiana Tenani, Carlos Podalirio Borges de Almeida, Juliberta Alves Macêdo, Maria Helena Ribeiro de Checchi, et al. (+3) Luan César Ferreira Simões, Rafael de Menezes Reis, Celita Salmaso Trelha |
55 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Clinical and epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in health professionals: a review of the literature |
Érika de Fátima Machado Soares, Amanda Júlia de Arruda Magalhães, Ayara Jhulia Palmeira Dantas Lima, Danielle Nascimento Nunes, Louryanne de Castro Silva, Lucas Gomes Santos, et al. (+4) Regicley Vieira da Silva, Vitória Ingryd dos Santos Cardoso, Yasmin Vitória Silva Nobre, Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza |
56 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Burnout syndrome in intensive care unit nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Beatriz Maria dos Santos Santiago Ribeiro, Fabio Scorsolini-Comin, Silvia Rocha de Souza |
57 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Health and safety in paid domestic work: what does the COVID-19 pandemic reveal? |
Euda Kaliani Gomes Teixeira Rocha |
58 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Association between musculoskeletal pain and telework in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: an integrative review |
Iraneide Nascimento dos Santos, Marília Lopes Pernambuco, Alice Maria Barbosa da Silva, Guilherme de Andrade Ruela, Adriana Sarmento de Oliveira |
59 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―31 |
Physical activity and mobile applications, recommendations for remote workers during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic |
Liliana Cruz-Ausejo, Víctor Juan Vera-Ponce |
60 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―30 |
Symptoms in healthcare professionals infected with SARS-CoV-2 at a university hospital |
Ana Isabe Correia, Luis Galaio, Clara Almeida, Olena Shapovalova, Diana França, João Raposo, et al. (+4) Jorge Soares, Rodrigo Lobo, Miguel Forjaz, Ema Sacadura Leite |
61 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―29 |
Anxiety level of public university employees with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection |
Aline Bicalho Matias, Isabela Saura Sartoreto Mallagoli, Marta Gonçalves Arão, Patrícia Emerich Gomes, Rosana Sacolito, Solange Severina Barbosa da Palma, Angélica Gonçalves Silva Belasco |
62 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―29 |
The valuable experience of health care workers in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic and its legacy |
Andrea Franco Amoras Magalhães |
63 |
[GO] |
2021―Sep―11 |
Relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic, binge eating, and mental suffering in health professionals in Brazil: a cross-sectional study |
Rodrigo Fernandes Weyll Pimentel, Lucas Monteiro Rodrigues, Rubens Leal Rocha, Amália Ivine Costa Santana, Pedro Carlos Muniz de Figueiredo, Mirela Lucciola do Valle Carvalho, et al. (+3) Dandara Almeida Reis da Silva, Vivian Marques Miguel Suen, Magno Conceição das Merces |
64 |
[GO] |
2021―Jul―21 |
COVID-19 vaccine for health care workers |
Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit |
65 |
[GO] |
2021―Jul―21 |
COVID-19 vaccine for health care workers: response |
Paula Cristina Mormmeira Couras da Silva |
66 |
[GO] |
2021―Jul―16 |
Wearing duration of respiratory protectors for COVID-19 in slaughterhouses |
Letícia da Silva Ferro, Suélen Guollo, Taís Sparremberger Justo, Roberto Carlos Ruiz, Willians Cassiano Longen |
67 |
[GO] |
2021―May―27 |
Prevalence of COVID-19 testing among health workers providing care for suspected and confirmed cases |
Cristiane Helena Gallasch, Renata Flavia Abreu da Silva, Magda Guimarães de Araujo Faria, Daniela Campos de Andrade Lourenção, Mateus Portilho Pires, Mirian Cristina dos Santos Almeida, et al. (+4) Patrícia Campos Pavan Baptista, Silmar Maria da Silva, Vivian Aline Mininel, João Silvestre Silva-Junior |
68 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
Doffing personal protective equipment in times of COVID-19 |
Gilcélia Correia Santos Bernardes, Ana Paula Nogueira Godoi, Nívea Aparecida de Almeida, Leilismara Sousa Nogueira, Melina Barros Pinheiro |
69 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
Vaccination against COVID-19 in health care workers |
Paula Cristina Moreira Couras da Silva |
70 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
Prevalence of COVID-19 in health professionals and occupational psychosocial risks |
Mafalda Sousa-Uva, Antonio Sousa-Uva, Florentino Serranheira |
71 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
Continuing education in healthcare as a strategy for occupational safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections on the role of community healthcare agents in construction of care |
Gerardo Teixeira Azevedo Neto, Israel Coutinho Sampaio Lima, Ana Suelen Pedroza Cavalcante, Wallingson Michael Gonçalves Pereira, Maria Rocineide Ferreira da Silva, José Jackson Coelho Sampaio |
72 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
COVID-19: risk of ocular transmission in health care professionals |
Alexis Galeno Matos, Ingrid Cavalcante Sarquis, Alana Andrade Neiva Santos, Leonardo Pereira Cabral |
73 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
COVID-19: the importance of physical therapy in the recovery of workers’ health |
Luís Eduardo Santos Paz, Bruno José da Silva Bezerra, Taciane Machado de Melo Pereira, Welma Emidio da Silva |
74 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―25 |
Health of nursing professionals: workload during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Diego de Oliveira Souza |
75 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―21 |
SARS-CoV-2 and work-related transmission: results of a prospective cohort of airport workers, 2020 |
Jeadran N. Malagón-Rojas, Marcela Mercado, Claudia P. Gómez-Rendón |
76 |
[GO] |
2020―Dec―10 |
Occupational health in times of pandemic |
Andrea Franco Amoras Magalhães |