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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

63 Results       Page 1

SAGE Publications: Social Media + Society
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Apr―30 Creating “Safe Places” in Social Media: Japanese Youth’s Tactics of Self-Presentation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim, Kana Ohashi, Larissa Hjorth
2 [GO] 2024―Feb―12 Mechanisms Driving Online Vaccine Debate During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ozgur Can Seckin, Aybuke Atalay, Ege Otenen, Umut Duygu, Onur Varol
3 [GO] 2024―Jan―29 “Memes Save Lives”: Stigma and the Production of Antivaccination Memes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Stephanie Alice Baker, Michael James Walsh
4 [GO] 2024―Jan―27 Personal Versus Societal Risk: Examining Social Media Influence on Individual and Collective Behaviors for COVID-19 Containment Caixie Tu, Xigen Li
5 [GO] 2024―Jan―09 The Making of #CovidTwitter: Who Were the Loudest “Covid Influencers” and What Did They Say About the COVID-19 Pandemic? Sylvia Jaworska, Michael K. Goodman, Iwona Gibas
6 [GO] 2023―Dec―18 Bots Versus Humans: Discursive Activism During the Pandemic in the Iranian Twittersphere Hossein Kermani, Alireza Bayat Makou, Amirali Tafreshi, Amir Mohamad Ghodsi, Homa Ataee
7 [GO] 2023―Nov―29 Scrolling TikTok to Soothe and Foster Self-Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic İrem Şot
8 [GO] 2023―Nov―08 Emotion Work on Social Media: Differences in Public and Private Emotions about Politics and COVID-19 on Facebook Emily Van Duyn, Ashley Muddiman
9 [GO] 2023―Oct―31 Incivility and Intolerance in COVID-19 Discussions on Facebook Martina Novotná, Alena Macková, Patrícia Rossini
10 [GO] 2023―Sep―30 Expedient, Affective, and Sustained Solidarities? Mediated Contestations of Islamophobia in the Case of Brexit, the Christchurch Terror Attack, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Elizabeth Poole, Eva H. Giraud, John E. Richardson, Ed de Quincey
11 [GO] 2023―Sep―25 Pandemic Protesters on Telegram: How Platform Affordances and Information Ecosystems Shape Digital Counterpublics Kilian Buehling, Annett Heft
12 [GO] 2023―Sep―22 Testing and Not Testing for Coronavirus on Twitter: Surfacing Testing Situations Across Scales With Interpretative Methods Noortje Marres, Gabriele Colombo, Liliana Bounegru, Jonathan W. Y. Gray, Carolin Gerlitz, James Tripp
13 [GO] 2023―Aug―26 Did COVID-19 Blur Partisan Boundaries? A Comparison of Partisan Affinity and Source Heterophily in Online Alternative News-Sharing Networks Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jakob Bæk Kristensen, Frederik Møller Henriksen, Eva Mayerhöffer
14 [GO] 2023―Jun―13 Scrolling Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Perceived Effects of Increased Social Media Use on the Mental Health of Undergraduate University Students Dario Giancola, Robb Travers, Simon Coulombe
15 [GO] 2023―Jun―09 Trustworthiness Over Time on Twitter: Three Critical Periods for the Norwegian Health Authorities and Political Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jannicke Thinn Fiskvik, Andrea Vik Bjarkø, Øyvind Ihlen
16 [GO] 2023―Apr―17 One Dose Is Not Enough: The Beneficial Effect of Corrective COVID-19 Information Is Diminished If Followed by Misinformation Michael Craig, Santosh Vijaykumar
17 [GO] 2023―Feb―01 From Facebook to YouTube: The Potential Exposure to COVID-19 Anti-Vaccine Videos on Social Media Anatoliy Gruzd, Deena Abul-Fottouh, Melodie YunJu Song, Alyssa Saiphoo
18 [GO] 2023―Jan―16 Women-Focused Nonprofit Organizations and Their Use of Twitter During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Characterizing a Gendered Pandemic Through Information, Community, and Action Charlotte Nau, Anabel Quan-Haase, Riley McLaughlin
19 [GO] 2022―Nov―30 John Oliver as the Pandemic Fundraiser? Championing Causes and Political Participation Through Satirical Television Amy B. Becker
20 [GO] 2022―Nov―21 Hate Speech in a Telegram Conspiracy Channel During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Matteo Vergani, Alfonso Martinez Arranz, Ryan Scrivens, Liliana Orellana
21 [GO] 2022―Oct―25 Covid-19 Protesters and the Far Right on Telegram: Co-Conspirators or Accidental Bedfellows? Cliona Curley, Eugenia Siapera, Joe Carthy
22 [GO] 2022―Oct―11 COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Discussion on Twitter Dmitry Erokhin, Abraham Yosipof, Nadejda Komendantova
23 [GO] 2022―Sep―20 “My People Already Know That”: The Imagined Audience and COVID-19 Health Information Sharing Practices on Social Media Jaigris Hodson, Victoria O’Meara, Christiani Thompson, Shandell Houlden, Chandell Gosse, George Veletsianos
24 [GO] 2022―Aug―18 Social Media Networking Sites Usage and Depression Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Roles of Social Anxiety and Loneliness Javed Iqbal, Muhammad Zaheer Asghar, Muhammad Azeem Ashraf, Muhammad Rafiq
25 [GO] 2022―Jul―16 Bots Amplify and Redirect Hate Speech in Online Discourse About Racism During the COVID-19 Pandemic Joshua Uyheng, Daniele Bellutta, Kathleen M. Carley
26 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Pathways Linking Media Use to Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mediated Moderation Study Jiankun Gong, Amira Firdaus, Fareyha Said, Iffat Ali Aksar, Mahmoud Danaee, Jinghong Xu
27 [GO] 2022―Mar―29 Digital Nomads and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Narratives About Relocation in a Time of Lockdowns and Reduced Mobility Karine Ehn, Ana Jorge, Manuel Marques-Pita
28 [GO] 2022―Mar―25 Empathy Not Quarantined: Social Support via Social Media Helps Maintain Empathy During the COVID-19 Pandemic Xuebing Qin, Fan Yang, Zhibin Jiang, Bu Zhong
29 [GO] 2022―Mar―12 Depicting the Emotion Flow: Super-Spreaders of Emotional Messages on Weibo During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jingjing Yi, Jiayu Gina Qu, Wanjiang Jacob Zhang
30 [GO] 2022―Feb―24 “An Immaculate Keeper of My Social Media Feed”: Social Media Usage in Body Justice Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Amanda K. Greene, Elana Maloul, Devin A. Kelly, Hannah N. Norling, Lisa M. Brownstone
31 [GO] 2022―Feb―02 Scalable Co-presence: WhatsApp and the Mediation of Personal Relationships during the COVID-19 Lockdown Elisabetta Costa, Marc Esteve-Del-Valle, Berber Hagedoorn
32 [GO] 2022―Jan―15 Fact-Checking the Crisis: COVID-19, Infodemics, and the Platformization of Truth Kelley Cotter, Julia R. DeCook, Shaheen Kanthawala
33 [GO] 2021―Sep―30 The Use of Digital Educational Resources in Times of COVID-19 Ismael Sanz-Labrador, Miguel Cuerdo-Mir, Luis Miguel Doncel-Pedrera
34 [GO] 2021―Sep―30 Polarization Over Vaccination: Ideological Differences in Twitter Expression About COVID-19 Vaccine Favorability and Specific Hesitancy Concerns Xiaoya Jiang, Min-Hsin Su, Juwon Hwang, Ruixue Lian, Markus Brauer, Sunghak Kim, Dhavan Shah
35 [GO] 2021―Sep―11 Demystifying the COVID-19 Infodemic: Conspiracies, Context, and the Agency of Users Iginio Gagliardone, Stephanie Diepeveen, Kyle Findlay, Samuel Olaniran, Matti Pohjonen, Edwin Tallam
36 [GO] 2021―Sep―06 Hunting Conspiracy Theories During the COVID-19 Pandemic J. D. Moffitt, Catherine King, Kathleen M. Carley
37 [GO] 2021―Aug―02 Zoombombing During a Global Pandemic Greg Elmer, Stephen J. Neville, Anthony Burton, Sabrina Ward-Kimola
38 [GO] 2021―Jul―21 Loneliness and Its Association With Social Media Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak Tore Bonsaksen, Mary Ruffolo, Janni Leung, Daicia Price, Hilde Thygesen, Mariyana Schoultz, Amy Østertun Geirdal
39 [GO] 2021―Jun―25 Sustained Online Amplification of COVID-19 Elites in the United States Ryan J. Gallagher, Larissa Doroshenko, Sarah Shugars, David Lazer, Brooke Foucault Welles
40 [GO] 2021―Apr―12 Correction Experiences on Social Media During COVID-19 Leticia Bode, Emily K. Vraga
41 [GO] 2021―Apr―05 Online Social Endorsement and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United Kingdom Andrew Chadwick, Johannes Kaiser, Cristian Vaccari, Daniel Freeman, Sinéad Lambe, Bao S. Loe, et al. (+14)
42 [GO] 2021―Jan―20 Internet Memes as Partial Stories: Identifying Political Narratives in Coronavirus Memes Constance de Saint Laurent, Vlad P. Glăveanu, Ioana Literat
43 [GO] 2020―Dec―15 Social Media and Trust in Scientific Expertise: Debating the Covid-19 Pandemic in The Netherlands José van Dijck, Donya Alinead
44 [GO] 2020―Dec―15 #FeministAntibodies: Asian American Media in the Time of Coronavirus Rachel Kuo, Amy Zhang, Vivian Shaw, Cynthia Wang
45 [GO] 2020―Sep―09 Changes in Digital Communication During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: Implications for Digital Inequality and Future Research Minh Hao Nguyen, Jonathan Gruber, Jaelle Fuchs, Will Marler, Amanda Hunsaker, Eszter Hargittai
46 [GO] 2020―Aug―24 Brands and the Pandemic: A Cautionary Tale Melissa Aronczyk
47 [GO] 2020―Aug―20 From Zero to a National Data Set in 2 Weeks: Reflections on a COVID-19 Collaborative Survey Project Eszter Hargittai, Minh Hao Nguyen, Jaelle Fuchs, Jonathan Gruber, Will Marler, Amanda Hunsaker, Gökçe Karaoglu
48 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 COVID-19 and Health Code: How Digital Platforms Tackle the Pandemic in China Fan Liang
49 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 Coronavirus EXPLAINED”: YouTube, COVID-19, and the Socio-Technical Mediation of Expertise Nahema Marchal, Hubert Au
50 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 On the Overlap of Systemic Events: Covid-19, Climate, and Journalism Risto Kunelius
51 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 The COVID-19 Mental Health Content Moderation Conundrum Ysabel Gerrard
52 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 The Rise of the Data Poor: The COVID-19 Pandemic Seen From the Margins Stefania Milan, Emiliano Treré
53 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 “Mischievous Uncles” as Rule Breakers: Intersectional Stereotypes and Risk Perceptions During the Coronavirus Pandemic in Turkey Didem Türkoğlu, Meltem Odabaş
54 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 Older Adults, Social Technologies, and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges, Strengths, and Strategies for Support Ryan C. Moore, Jeffrey T. Hancock
55 [GO] 2020―Aug―12 Tweeting in the Time of Coronavirus: How Social Media Use and Academic Research Evolve during Times of Global Uncertainty Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Daniela Stoltenberg, Maya de Vries Kedem, Hadas Gur-Ze’ev, Annie Waldherr, Barbara Pfetsch
56 [GO] 2020―Aug―10 A Relationship-Centered and Culturally Informed Approach to Studying Misinformation on COVID-19 Pranav Malhotra
57 [GO] 2020―Aug―07 A Second-Order Disaster? Digital Technologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mirca Madianou
58 [GO] 2020―Aug―01 Curating and Exhibiting for the Pandemic: Participatory Virtual Art Practices During the COVID-19 Outbreak in China Xiaodan Feng
59 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 It Is All About Location: Smartphones and Tracking the Spread of COVID-19 Jordan Frith, Michael Saker
60 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 Online Temptations: COVID-19 and Religious Misinformation in the MENA Region Mahsa Alimardani, Mona Elswah
61 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 Fighting the ‘Infodemic’: Legal Responses to COVID-19 Disinformation Roxana Radu
62 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 One Platform, a Thousand Worlds: On Twitter Irony in the Early Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy Stefania Vicari, Maria Francesca Murru
63 [GO] 2020―Jul―31 More Than Just Privacy: Using Contextual Integrity to Evaluate the Long-Term Risks from COVID-19 Surveillance Technologies Jessica Vitak, Michael Zimmer

63 Results       Page 1


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